Whatever happened to...


New Metal Member
Dec 4, 2005
Jason Newsted.:worship:

I am a really big fan of his. Does anyone know what he is upto at the moment? Do any of you Bay Area folks ever bump into him? Is he married yet?

I would be eternally grateful if anyone was able to answer any of my questions.:hotjump:

Thanks in advance.
hes prolly somewhere fucking 10 hookers on a giant pile of metallica money and cocaine while playing root notes on his b-string.

edit: IMHO

edit2: at least thats what i would be doing

edit3: minus the weak bass playing
"hes prolly somewhere fucking 10 hookers "

No, he does not need to pay women to sleep with him.:p
but hookers r much funner than regular girls, and dont talk as much, and they know who have the good drugs.


Turbo said:
Probably, I certainly a) Havent heard any of their stuff, and b) not wanted to. Robert Trujillo is much better.

let me complete this quote for you:

"at waddling about like a fucking crab, with the face of constipation. He is a bassist for hire knobcheese who joined a sucky band at their suckiest, presumably with a view to obtaining obscene amounts of $$$$$$ for being in the worlds premiere country and western band.

You're welcome!:Smug:
Carcassian said:
let me complete this quote for you:

"at waddling about like a fucking crab, with the face of constipation. He is a bassist for hire knobcheese who joined a sucky band at their suckiest, presumably with a view to obtaining obscene amounts of $$$$$$ for being in the worlds premiere country and western band.

You're welcome!:Smug:

I was referring to his ability to play. Yes his stage presence is somewhat strange. I do agree that anything from 1988 onwards has been totally shit, but I do retain an element of interest in the band for when they play the old stuff live.
Robert Trujillo looks so fucking ridiculous when playing. Music is most important but you still have look cool when playing which is something that guy can't grasp.
Jason is still part of Voi Vod..there is a grip of songs that were recorded prior to Piggys death last year. Jason is still part of the band and plays on all the new material...obviously. There are blog updates on the official website.
Robert Trujillo is a good bass player but his stage presence is not even worth watching enless you want to see a giant ape dragging his knuckles across the floor carrying a bass.