What's a good 80s metal pup for mahogny bodies?

Robert W

May 13, 2009
Picking up an mahogany bodied guitar tomorrow and am considering replacing the stock pups. Can anyone suggest a good pup for a heavier 80s sounding tone?
My first thought was the Super Distortion. Never used SD JBs. How do they compare to the SDs? Bass, mids highs, that sort of thing.
Suhr Doug Aldrich pickups. I play in an 80's style band, I tried a set out in one of my Les Pauls and now I've got them in three others also. I can't get enough of these things.
Well back in the 80's anyone who was doing their best to get a hot tone was using Dimarzio DP 151 was a higher output pup for its day low output by todays standards but it works remarkably well in the neck possition . Its also been quoated for its complimentary effect on heavily processed guitar systems which were beginning to take off in the 80's hence why they designed it .