Whats in the works at Opeth HQ?


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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fpr their next savvy business move, what should they do?

Add 5th member, cgange name to O'Peth Boys, hit single called "Love ya (Baby Baby Ooh)"

7-string guitars, new cool freaky haircuts, a deal with ROss Robinson, hit single "SMash Shit f/Fred Durst")

MIkael kicks everyone out, does one man 4-track black metal, song called "Allegiance to the Frosty North from Whence the Cold Wind Blew Hither Upon my Darkened Soul (Hobbit trilogy, pt1)"

Blastbeats! All Blastbeats! SOngs-Sharp KNife Intercourse, Ripped Limb From Limb

all synths, soothing neo-classical arrangements, deal on Yanni's new imprint label, album- Opeth- Live At the Acropolis
i'd love to see opeth as gangsta rappers:lol: , maybe P Diddy could feature on their album:err: :lol: . btw, why would someone change their name from a camp one (puff daddy) to an even more camp name (P Diddy):lol: , oh well you can tell hes an idiot (a rich idiot though:mad: )
Personally, I'd love it if Mikael extended opeth (in the studio) by adding more musicians, more bizzare instruments which experiment and accent that signiture opeth sound, and even different singers (like maybe a very sweet girl voice working with/against the growls). Maybe even orchestral arrangements. The possibilities are endless. That would be simply insane. Metal needs to be taken to such new heights of diversity and opeth are just the guys to do it.

Fortuantely, I think opeth have grown in popularity so much at this point and they have such open-minded fans that such experimentation would be welcome. Of course, they wouldn't be able to pull off such tunes live, but what the hell, anything is worth the range of musical exploration which I firmly believe Mikael and opeth are capable of. Above all, it has to remain true to Opeth, and I think it always will, no matter how completely fucked they get.

Mikael, I hope you're reading this. I'm pretty sure you are.
