What's the BEST SX song?

Lady Of The Snow

Aug 1, 2002
I hope, I didn't overlook a thread like this one (I'm a lil confused today ..hehe)

Anyway, IMHO... here it goes:

Lady Of The Snow
Out Of The Ashes

The Edge Of Forever
The Accolade
The Eyes Of Medusa
Divine Wings...
Candlelight Fantasia
Masquerade 98
hmm the best ones or my favorites :)

out of the ashes (METAL!!!)
Candlelight fantasia (beautiful song)
The Accolade (I wonder if this is a story about Sir Allen? :p)
Masquerade 98 (15,000 times better than the original)
Through the Looking Glass (Great epic)
REdiscovery part 2 (the music has an emotion of its own on this one)
The Edge of Forever (i just liike it)
Fallen (METAL!!!)
Damnation Game (Damn damn damnation game)
hmm , hard to have one fav song , so here's the top ones >

the divine wings of tragedy
candlelight fantasia
eyes of medusa
sea of lies
through the lookin glass

this is hard , they are all good !!!!

but probably my fav. one out of those really has to be TDWOT
This is really hard for me, but I think the song Divine Wings of Tragedy defines Symphony X: epic length, epic sound, killer neoclassical passages with fast parts, harmonic slower parts, and some insane guitar solos. The vocals kick ass too. Just my .02.
Candlelight Fantasia
Rediscovery Part 2
Through the Looking Glass
Church of the Machine
Lady of the Snow
Shades of Grey

I could keep going and going... Fallen, Communion And The Oracle, The Accolade... I can honestly say I like all the songs from all the cd's... not to often you can say that about a cd let alone a bands whole catalog...
Those are a few of my favs...

this has got to be the toughest question I've ever encountered....I love them all... they all have thier attributes... but if I had to just choose one.... just one.... it would be Candlelight Fantasia..........
My top 5 would have to be:

1) Divine Wings of Tragedy (Has absolutely everything you expect from SyX!)
2) Church of the Machine (Just pure power here!)
3) The Eye's of Medusa (I actually got a speeding ticket when listening to this one)
4) A Winter's Dream (both parts)
5) Sea of Lies (the keyboard break is just plain awesome!)

Of course, most every song they have is great! I can't wait to hear the new stuff!
Well the four best are definitely:

1) The Edge Of Forever- The perfect song by the PERFECT BAND.:)
2) A Winter's Dream- Sublime and superlative vocals from Allen.
3) Candlelight Fantasia- Magically rich melodies.
4) The Accolade- This one always takes me somewhere else...