Whats the deal with Billy Milano?

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ahh billy will change his tune once again when sod come back.......... they are due next year.......
oddybubu said:
I checked out Billys site and its pretty much all about how much he hates Scott and Charlie. What he hell happened? :confused:

Billy is a very bitter man who really needs to get on with his own life and stop crying how Scott and Charlie fucked him over ... He also has to shut the fuck up with his anti-muslim rants, he has become an absolute joke...
He does seem quite bitter but, what's wrong with anti-muslim rants?
He is from America, where people have a right to speak there minds without the fear of police raiding your home and arresting your family. Some of his opinions are not p.c. Thank god for that. So you think he's not allowed to have a point of view reguarding this jehad kill the infadel mentality some have?
You are putting way to much thought into his rants. Billy is Billy. He likes to get a rise out of people. I mean, come on, this is the man who sings Kill Yourself and Fuck The Middle East. Did you think he was going to act like Mr. Rogers or something? I don't mind Billy at all. I don't agree with alot of the stuff he writes on his message board, but it is his board and he can talk about whatever he wants. Overall, I think he is a pretty cool dude that has some strong opinions and there is nothing wrong with putting your two cents in.
Billy is bitter plain and simple. My favortite was when he was comparing John Bush's situation to his own. Completely different, SOD was and is a side project, he should expect to be put on the backburner.
MyHatred said:
You are putting way to much thought into his rants. Billy is Billy. He likes to get a rise out of people. I mean, come on, this is the man who sings Kill Yourself and Fuck The Middle East. Did you think he was going to act like Mr. Rogers or something? I don't mind Billy at all. I don't agree with alot of the stuff he writes on his message board, but it is his board and he can talk about whatever he wants. Overall, I think he is a pretty cool dude that has some strong opinions and there is nothing wrong with putting your two cents in.
I couldn't have put it better myself!! Nicely done Hatred!!

Hey Thrillho...."Buy me Bonestorm...Or go to hell!!!"
Maybe frankenstein and his horse are stuck up his arse? I don't think he has ever been laid without paying for it. Seriously now, does he have a wife or anything?
Billy is very bitter and jealous. He can't stand the fact that HE was just a side project while anthrax were becoming/are one of the historic bands in metal. He's jealous that anthrax sells more and draws more people.

Billy has a VASTLY overexaggerated sense of self worth:

milano said:
My career is CERTIFIED!! Like all legends

Funny, I don't recall any other "legends" from another bands strictly side project.

Sure, billy can have his opinions, the problem [for him] is that they make him look like someone too stupid to even solve blue's clues and instead just watches clapping like a retarded seal. Go ahead and single out an entire religion for the actions of a small part of it. Funny thing is, those terrorists do the same thing, attack all of us for the actions of a few. Of course this would require billy to actually think and educate himself on the subjects, and we all know he has the mental capacity of rancid jello
Thrillho said:
I'm not sharing with Kaitlan.
Too Funny Dude!!!

"I know how you feel, Bart. When I was your age, I wanted an electric football game more than anything in the world. And my parents bought it for me, and it was the happiest day of my life".
Damnit I have not seen that episode in the longest time. I really need to start investing in the box sets.

Yeah Billy is a silly guy. Just reading his forum keeps me pretty entertained for a while. It's ashame really, SOD was awesome. And in his defense, I'm sure a lot of what he is saying is true. Maybe he was toyed around with. Maybe he was promised things. But he always resorts to calling Scott a Jew and Charlie a girl - very childish. It's like, I am starting to hear him out, and then he kicks in with "Jewcifer and Charlene" BS and all his rants start to loose their credibility. It's ashame that even know, they can't all get along. Or I should say, it's ashame Billy can't just cool it - Scott and Charlie just seem to be ignoring him which is probably best. At least for now. Oh, SOD, wo is me.
You just have to ignore his cocky self. I have to learn how to ignore people when they are being a total ass, I need fucking anger management.:hotjump:
MetalThrasher442 said:
You just have to ignore his cocky self. I have to learn how to ignore people when they are being a total ass, I need fucking anger management.:hotjump:

yea u do not to be mean or anything
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