What's the most you've ever won from that Monopoly game at McDonald's?

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
...other than the liqui-shits.

I think I won $50.00 back in fifth grade from collecting those two crappy purple ones.

Earlier I was eating in at the McD's on Stanyan/Haight Street in SF (what I like to call "McHomeless") and some woman bum came up and asked me for the two tabs on my coke. I promply sweep-kicked her, snapping her achilles heel.

P.S. I got States and Illinois

P.P.S. "G-L-O-R-I-A Glooorrrria!"
I think this could be the year:
-Democrat wins presidency
-I win $200,000 from collecting all the green avenues
Remember when you used to get free soda's in the caps? I used to get free sprite out the ass... every 2 sprites would get me a free one.
Never been into the collecting thing, eating at McDonald's twice a year or so does not help. I reckon I won one or two free burgers that I never claimed because who would like to inflict two burgers at once on his stomach...

Highest sum I ever won at any game was about $600 (on a stake of $20) at some horse racing event I attended with childhood friends 3 years ago, though I cannot tell a horse's arse from its mouth. One-time luck.
One time I had two out of three tabs to win a Corvette, and I was sure that I had thrown away the third one a few days before I started collecting them.