What's the...


Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
What is the between-the-track-track between Heroes to Us and Burbot's Revenge supposed to be? The sounds of the fisherman cutting a hole in the ice and dropping his net in the water?
Gadlor said:
What is the between-the-track-track between Heroes to Us and Burbot's Revenge supposed to be? The sounds of the fisherman cutting a hole in the ice and dropping his net in the water?

Its a "Swampbeast", the name of Kalmah's next album! :wave:

Either that or its a Burbot, which, from the lyrics, is somekind of underwater creature that gets stuck in nets. But then maybe you're right about the fisherman thing.
Hahaha I'm such a fool. I thought a burbot was a bird. Don't ask.
I guess that's what I get for not looking it up! :tickled:

Now that I know that it's a fish - this occured to me. Isn't the song a little bit like Hemingway's Old Man And The Sea? (just had to read this recently, I liked it)
look at the covers of kalmahs albums. Its the swampbeast, greature of the swamp, swamplord, making noises and finaly diving in to the swamp. You can see it in the top of this forum too :)
...were u joking about the new album called "swampbeast"? cuz i cant wait for the next album. dont get me all excited for nothing man.
wait wait wait wait wait wait WAAAIIITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! :yow:

but...b-but....but when i see a message posted by 'KALMAH' does it mean that the message is posted by ANTTI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :yow:

Oh man, if so I didnt know it... :cry: and I've never said anything to him... :ill: :yell:

Will you everf orgive meee????? :worship:


:worship: Antti!! :worship: