What's wrong with my guitar sound?? (sample)


New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2011
i'm trying to get a more professional sound from my guitars.. i think that impulses are the better way to get it more closer...i'm using the best plugins to make it sound good (ts808, lecto, asem recto impulse) but the sound results not so clear as other samples i listened here.. what do you advice me to get a better sound? this is the sample, is a gibson les paul custom recorded with a rme fireface800 DI instrument line..
sorry for my bad english... thanks a lot..

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20477620/andy forum guitars.mp3
Ummm.. There's nothing wrong with your guitar sound, that's what I'm sayin.. There's maybe something wrong with your ears :D
Dude, guitars sound very good. As RandomOne said, try putting them in a mix, and you will see it would be great. If you get decent professional track, and solo the guitars - they don't sound so decent any more :D It's all about complete mix, so don't try to tweak a guitar tone alone - it will save you some time :)
thanks a lot for all the answer.. i think i want a more clearer sound less dark ... like august burns red - constellations album... i think that the sound i get is not so clear on the highs so i was searching something to clear it at all
I concur with the other responses here...your sound isn't bad at all, just hp/lp it then have slamming drums, nice deep bass with a separate grit track and play like an angry but entirely focused demon.

Maybe you should try some steel-wound strings. They definitely start you out with a brighter tone, if that's what you want.