What's your favorite instrumental?

WOW, cool idea for a thread!

Off the top of my head, I will go with The Ultra-Violence by Death Angel.

I may have to add more as this thread grows!


Unity by Rage = The heavy metal YYZ. Nothing short of mindblowing, especially on the live dvd. Smolski is GOD. :worship:

Weird Dreams by Blind Guardian is also well worth mentioning. It's quite an unique song by BG standards, André really is an underrated guitar player.

And Savatage is yet to make a bad instrumental. Criss or Al, it's all great stuff.
Some favs of mine:

Insanity - King Diamond (or shall I say Andy LaRoque!)
Labyrinths - Savatage
Temptation Revelation - Savatage (is that the correct name?)
The Wanderer - Emperor (brilliant!)
Pimf - Depeche Mode (laugh if you want, but this track is pure evil!)
St Agness - Sting (awesome acoustic guitar)
Crying - Satrianai
Orion - Metallica (can't forget this gem)
Leave that Thing Alone - Rush

So many...I'm certain to be leaving something out...
sixxswine said:
Great thread Droogie...
I always like "Friends" by Joe Satriani...

That's a great one, but then most Satriani songs are amazing. :D

To cope more with the spirit of Droog thread I'll go with instrumentals from bands that are not basically instrumental:

Deep Purple - 'Son Of Alerik'
Black Sabbath - 'Supertzar'
Iron Maiden - 'Genghis Khan'
Iron Maiden - 'Losfer Words (big 'orra)'
Def Leppard - 'Switch 625'
Black Sabbath - 'Laguna Sunrise'
Meliah Rage - 'Rigid'
Coroner - 'Intro/Nosferatu'
Coroner - 'Arc-Lite'
Dream Theater - 'Erotomania'
Dream Theater - Hell's Kitchen
Megadeth - 'Into The Lungs Of Hell'
Metal Church - It's A Secret

Those jump to my mind right now
thank you, thank you.....the idea hit me as I was listening to my new Annihilator cd, then my itunes skipped right to Coroner - Nosferatu...and I thought: "wow! that's really tough to decide"

all excellent songs (well the ones I've heard are)

here's another question....what is the band that has produced the best instrumentals? (pertaining to bands who mostly do lyricated songs)
Rainbow Difficult to cure
Eric Johnsons Cliffs of Dover
MSG Captain Nemo
Savatage Prelude to Madness