What's your favorite Rage era?


heartbeat of the earth
May 26, 2007
Doylestown, PA
my favorite is the smolski years, but i found that alot of the blind guardian forum doesn't prefer that. what's your opinion?
zach, don't post in this thred (rage fans only).

i also love the missing link stuff..... and black in mind is simply amazing. still, victor is like a god. hey matt, how does victor do that slap thingy he does on rocket science from the cradle to the stage dvd?
... "(rage fans only)" was supposed to sound like it was on a barbie clubhouse... from now on i'll keep my sense of humor in the clubhouse.

i know he can post here, and it didn't make me angry or anything. i'm just not sure why he went out of his way to answer a question that's answer to him was null and void. still, his answer IS valid, and that's cool i guess.

Zach, why do you hate them so much?
All cool? Awesome.

Peavy's vocals irritate the shit out of me. He grates on me. They're one of those "acquired taste" things and i never did acquire it. Musically, they're a bit limp. Don't have the powerful songs that catch my attention. I haven't heard a ton of Rage, but i've heard enough to call it good in my book and move along.

Mike Terrana was a hell of a drummer though.
Oh look another Kaki King wannabe.

I hope you realize she was certainly not the first person to slap/tap percussively on guitar, nor is she the best at that style, check out Michael Hedges:

and Andy McKee:

And as far as electric players, you have Regi Wooten (Victor's brother):

And also Scotty Mishoe is pretty insane at slapping on guitar as well:

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I enjoy that song 'War of Worlds' (Only one I heard by Rage, and it was live) so that era I guess.
i don't know how to post videos yet... but if you search youtube for erik mongrain, you won't be let down! kinda similar to mckee's playing.