What's your opinion on the vocals of "Ink Compatible"?


New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2005
Well at the begining i felt a litle weird but now i'm used to them...to be honest i would prefer exactly the same album without the vocals...
...except from daniel's vocals that are perfect. I wish he was the main singer...
It's not nice to poor McMaster to have Gildenlöw sing on the same album... I would've liked him more if he had made Melissa's Friend as well, but now, he turns out as just another quite poor techmetal singer, I think. I don't listen to Spastic Ink to hear him, although he's not bad.
Hhhmmm, I'm kinda glad this came up...

I don't know what it is about Jason's voice, but it seems that some people just don't like it. I don't understand why. Quite a few people have even stated that he "ruins" Ink Compatible, and again, I just don't hear it. He's emotional, always on pitch, and aggressive or calm when he needs to be. On 'Compatible' he nailed 'In Memory Of', then turned around and nailed the nasty screams on 'ACRONYM'.

Most people are aware that I grew up listening to Rush, and so the high pitch vocals are what I'm used to and actually prefer. Although I don't have much against other types of singing (well, cookie monster isn't exactly my favorite). But what I don't get is that the vocals on Compatible aren't even that high. They aren't anything at all compared to say, the first Watchtower album. I think Jason's range has come down almost a full octave and people are still complaining.

Honestly, I think people complain about Jason because it's the popular thing to do. The old "jump on the bandwagon" thing. Has anybody noticed that back when Jason sings with Dangerous Toys, fans aren't critical at all of him? Actually, he's the shit in that genre. But in the "progressive/technical" world, it's just the "in" thing to do to not like his voice. I think that if 'Compatible' was released with Jason exactly singing as he does on it now, but he had never sang high way back when, nobody would be complaining.

But hey, that's just the way I see it...

I think that the big problem we all have is that we were anticiptaing another Ink record - and it HAD VOCALS. That very fact probably turned a lot of people off; most of us were looking forward to another instrumental album.
Agreed that he sings in pitch and have energy, though. He would do wonders in Dream Theater.
But honestly, Gildenlöw is the one. Perhaps McMaster's voice would do better in a thicker production. On Ink Compatible, he's often alone carrying a melody over a hectic guitar/bass riff, and it seems to me that he's not entirely able to carry it out. In a more death environment, he would definitely be tops. Still, though, I'm one of those who actually think that Ink works very well with vocals. Singers usually can't sing in odd time signatures, so it's really cool to have them prove their true quality here.
My worries about the vocals were also not about who was singing but how it would work with vocals. I really love the way Jason sounds on Ink Compatible, great performances and it fits the music perfectly for me :)

I think I understand why some people dislike the sound of his voice...it's one of those love it or hate it things...and to have that style of vocals all the time on every record you ever listened to would be anooying, but Jason's voice is spot on for me!
The vocals work excellently with the music, which is very important.

Of course....Daniel Gildenlow is sex as always.
ronjarz said:
Honestly, I think people complain about Jason because it's the popular thing to do. The old "jump on the bandwagon" thing.
Errrr. "OK." That comes off as a bit arrogant, but then again people always tell me I come off arrogant, so... that's fine hehe. I can't speak for others, but I've never jumped on a bandwagon, ever, and actually, to me it's surprising that so many actually seem to like his vocals... I guess that shows how relative everything is, hehe. I'm having a hard time finding this bandwagon of which you speak, actually...

I could try to (unsuccessfully) explain why I, personally, do not like his vocals (remember, it's only about his vocals, he seems like a smart, good guy when reading/watching interviews), but since you (Ron) already stated you don't understand why people don't like his vocals, it's sort of no use (and that's fine).

But OK, a few sentences maybe?
Mostly, it's about his voice (or lack thereof), but it's also about the vocal melodies, I'd say. On pitch? Aye, I guess. Yeah. But there's more about vocals than just being on pitch. I find his singing to be very grating and abrasive. You mentioned you grew up on Rush, and, I really can't stand Geddy "squealing pig" Lee either, so there you have it :) People are of course entitled to like Jason's vocals; I just don't. To use the worst cliché ever, everyone's taste is different, and it's just too bad ours aren't the same. I don't like Alan Tecchio's vocals either, oh no :D

Postscriptum: As I said in another thread, I really dislike most singers, and I end up having to filter them away to get at the really good music... However, there is something with McMaster's vocals that just make them pass through my filters, unfiltered... Anyway, it's OK that I can't enjoy Ink Compatible, because Ink Complete and SSoTC and PHHHP! are just as good as they've ever been, if not better, and I'm not here to insult Ron or anyone else involved in the album, because I think it's pretty poor taste to do that on official forums. I guess my signature might be taken that way, but... it just means that I really love the music on Ink Compatible (and that I would like to find a way to enjoy it to the max). Actually, I think it'd be great if artists released the raw audio (on say, a DVD) so people could do their own mixes. If it turns out to be feasible, I'd like to do that whenever I release my stuff... it could be under a Creative Commons license or the actual GPL or somesuch, so no one could make money on it. Daring? Yeah. Cool? Hell yeah!

Oh, also... I don't really like cookie monster vocals either, but I found out, after a while, that it's much easier to filter those out, and just treat them as another percussive instrument. So nowadays I actually prefer that, when artists decide they need to have vocals. Instrumental is always king for me, though.
Taedium Vitae said:
But OK, a few sentences maybe?
Mostly, it's about his voice (or lack thereof), but it's also about the vocal melodies, I'd say. On pitch? Aye, I guess. Yeah. But there's more about vocals than just being on pitch. I find his singing to be very grating and abrasive. You mentioned you grew up on Rush, and, I really can't stand Geddy "squealing pig" Lee either, so there you have it :) People are of course entitled to like Jason's vocals; I just don't. To use the worst cliché ever, everyone's taste is different, and it's just too bad ours aren't the same. I don't like Alan Tecchio's vocals either, oh no :D

Not meant as an insult, but I find Spastic Ink's music rather grating also, which is why I think it fits. It has to do with the guitar sound mostly I think.