What's Your Personal Anthem?

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Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
There are songs you consider your favorites, and then there is that one particular song that's become so much a part of your life that you've declared it as your own personal anthem. What's yours?

My personal anthem is "Live to Win" by Paul Stanley. There was a time in my life when I felt I wasn't succeeding in anything. Then, a year and a half ago, while I was in the phase of rediscovering KISS, I heard that Paul had released a new solo album. The title track alone taught me the valuable lesson of never giving up.

Paul Stanley never made a music video for this song, So here's an audio clip. Enjoy!

Live to Win,

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOfOjXywdbo]Paul Stanley - "Live to Win"[/ame]
"Freewill" by Rush.

This song says it all. The themes of trusting in yourself and your ability to wield the power of choice ring true every day of my life. It came along at the right time(I think I was 15 when I first heard it).

The sentiments expressed in this song have played a huge role in my development as an individualist and as someone who respects others rights to make their own choices in defiance of dogma. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you should do. Make up your own mind and live to your own truth. I could never repay Neil Peart for the mantra he gave a young man and the impact that a simple song has had on his life.

Popular music is the poetry of our modern generations. Its ability to entrench its messages on our psyches cannot be underestimated or underappreciated. I hope everyone has a special song that's meant as much to them as "Freewill" has meant to me.

Yeah I love the lyrics to Freewill. They are so true!

I can't think of a song that defined my life or changed me like what you are describing. I got to think about it.
Perhaps I wouldn't call it "personal anthems" but a few songs from Kreator comes to my mind. When I hear lyrics like "Society failed to tolerate me,and I failed to tolerate society" or "Don't try to tell us what is right for us,'cos we don't give a fuck anyway" that is just so me.
I wouldn't call it an anthem for me, but it is the first song that came to mind probably because I can relate to it a lot. The song is Don't Ask Me No Questions by Lynyrd Skynyrd. That song is about being busy and on the road a lot and when you get home you just want to relax without people bugging the shit out of you.
Not an anthem, but Wasted Years is good for me because I always feel that things were better in the 90s and 80s. I always miss the time before cell phones, internet and such. Things were simple and fun. Not everything was so damn polished as it is now. Back when there was so much good music out there. Not everything had to be so perfect. I sometimes feel out of place with the 21st century. I just can't relate to American Idol and Hip Hop and super tech this and super tech that.

Then I hear Wasted Years and it reminds me to realize right now I'm living in the golden years. Don't waste my time on the past.
die with your boots on - which has weirdly wielded true w/both my achilles. the first time being my soccer boot and the second being my trusty stage boot. i loved the song during high school - the chorus is my anthem :kickass:
the prophet of disaster is similiar to the first lines in freewill huh - in that the truth of all predictions is always in your hands.
The Freebird part is where you were joking right?

well it all depends what mood I am in.

I dont have a song that changed my life, my lifes been pretty run of the mill I guess. Didnt excell at school, hated everyone got into rock and metal, starte dplaying guitar went to college dropped out dossed about for a few years fell into a job in IT.

My life didnt have a soundtrack and if it did I would have been too fucked up on drugs to remember it anyway, so I have songs I like that I listen to when in certain moods. simple really.
"Runnin' with the Devil "- Van Halen and "Institutionalized" by Suicidal Tendencies come to mind. Maybe "Post Toastie" by Tommy Bolin as well.

\ST/ l.a. punk back in the day had major attitude huh - loved that :rock:
remember the minute men? black flag, agent orange, red cross, the germs, circle jerks? simple riffs, goat vibrato, and crappy reverb - those were the days.
ST/ l.a. punk back in the day had major attitude huh - loved that :rock:
remember the minute men? black flag, agent orange, red cross, the germs, circle jerks? simple riffs, goat vibrato, and crappy reverb - those were the days.

I'm a big fan of Suicidal Tendencies and other bands like DRI and Gangreen.
But as I said before, I cant give a soundtrack to my life as too much of it was a haze and spent in nightclubs either scoring or selling things I shouldn't have been.

I've seen bands come I've seen them go, seen several scenes but I really cant tell you much about them.