What's Your Utopia?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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I'd like a life where money is no issue (which means I have a Bill Gates amount of money) - but I don't want to work for it (I'm lazy). I don't care if I got $ from an inheritance, or won the lottery.

I'd want enough money to give to my direct family (and wife's too) so they wouldn't have to worry.

For so many years, I've always "dreamed" of having all the expensive toys bought and paid for. I could never see a Utopia without money, because I like stuff. It's not that I think money buys happiness, but if I didn't have to work, could spend money and travel at will - it definately sounds better than the rat race I'm in now.
I'd like a life where I make a living doing a job that I love, not "friends" with my co-workers, but we'd get along well and make small talk often.

I'd have an apartment decked with all the expensive electronics I want, like a state-of-the-art computer system, wide screen HDTV, etc. So basically, I'd have a ton of money. I'd have a small group of wierd friends I can hang out with and go to clubs and stuff with.

I'd have a hot lover and get laid every day. Preferably someone into metal and hates all the gay stereotypes as much as I do. I'd have a never-ending supply of beer.

I've always dreamed of being independant and hanging out with a select group of people I can relate to. I guess because I always felt like I need to be independant, and at the same time "belong" to something.
Yeah...haha, it's funny that you put it like that, Metalman. I don't want to work for it neither, and I don't believe that money will solve my problems also. I also think that if I had this money, I wouldn't have to work and I'd be able to travel instead.

I want to be able to travel at will. Ugh! This planet is so small compared to the universe, yet it's so big. So, pretty much everything you said. :lol: Next time I'll just say "I agree." I guess I'm not the only one that's sort of thought it through like that before.

"Written in dust, tainted by memories."
It seems like all of you guys have the typical utopia. And haven't realized that money is the solution to everything, in todays standards, and the problem with everything. If you think about it, why do we have homeless people becasue a: there too lazy to do anything, b: they don't have money. ohh well I'll get to my fantasy

I'd love to have a clean world, and no money, but yet still be able to have electronics such as my guitar. I'd definately need books to read when it get dark. I'd like to be able to spend a lot more time in nature, and I'd still have to have my music (cd) I also need longer days this 24 hour shit just doesn't work for me I have so much stuff that I'd like to get done in my life time and I know I don't have even close to enough time.

As with mostly every body I'd love to travel the world and be able to travel the universe. I'd like to have girl that I could always get along with and I wouldn't get tired of being around them. I'd like to have a carree that I know that I succeed in and would have to use my mind to figure stuff out. And it'd be an added bounus if it helped out the wold what ever I do.

Well I've waisted too much of your time already so I'll let you go see ya on the flip side :cool:
My utopia: reduced Earth population, increased population of real people. More space, more silence, more love ! (Wagnerian soundtrack)
ha, you people all want money. i got a utopia for ya: a world without money. everyone would be given what they need and have a specified contribution/job to do in the community that was a specialty of theirs.

i know it sounds like communism, but you know it always looks so good on paper until some jack ass comes along and turns it into a dictatorship.
what happens if i don't want to do my "specified contribution/job"...do i go without being given what you deem me to 'need'?

this is exactly the same as the persent economic system, with 2 differences 1) it isn't as efficent as you have to decide what i should do and what i should be given for it before anything actually happens, 2) instead of getting money with which i can buy what i know i need, i instead get you giving me what you think i should need...congratulations, you've just made the whole world crap!
I would like to have a pain free body because my back and knees usually bother me. I would also like to recieve "oral pleasure" whenever I want. (honey can you come here please) :D
I'd have a hot lover and get laid every day.

EVERYday wouldn't be as good as it sounds..
  • You'd get sick of it after a while..
  • After the first few days you get sore/worn/tired/something in that special area..

My utopia..

Look up the game Syndicate Wars...

It's not really freedom...but theoretically the violence is controlled...
mr. black was quoted to say: "what happens if i don't want to do my "specified contribution/job"...do i go without being given what you deem me to 'need'?

this is exactly the same as the persent economic system, with 2 differences 1) it isn't as efficent as you have to decide what i should do and what i should be given for it before anything actually happens, 2) instead of getting money with which i can buy what i know i need, i instead get you giving me what you think i should need...congratulations, you've just made the whole world crap!"

hey, that's not fair, the world was shitty when i got here! anyways, i said it sounds good on paper, ya' know, kinda like capitalism. any economic/social system always has a minority that gets left out.

now to point out why our world sucks.
1) it isn't efficient to have people with more wealth than they'll ever need while having the majority scrambling for pennies. and do you really think you have that big of a choice in what you do? you either risk starting from below nothing and being spit out on the bottom rung of the social/economic ladder, or serve the ones who control the money and be secured in a monotonous, low paying job while the man your working for makes millions without hardly lifting a finger.
2) instead of getting what they need, the poor have to scramble to give the man in the ivory tower money because he stole the essentials and sells them back to them at some pretty hefty price. i'm sure these people know what they need, but can't get it. look, the world already sucks.
Originally posted by Opth_001
It seems like all of you guys have the typical utopia. And haven't realized that money is the solution to everything, in todays standards, and the problem with everything. If you think about it, why do we have homeless people becasue a: there too lazy to do anything, b: they don't have money. ohh well I'll get to my fantasy

I'd love to have a clean world, and no money, but yet still be able to have electronics such as my guitar. I'd definately need books to read when it get dark. I'd like to be able to spend a lot more time in nature, and I'd still have to have my music (cd) I also need longer days this 24 hour shit just doesn't work for me I have so much stuff that I'd like to get done in my life time and I know I don't have even close to enough time.

You won't need more than 24 hours when you don't
have to work for money, right? There's no hurry....
Just sit back, relax >:eek:P How boring....

My utopia would be a place where I had loads of goals
to reach for.... Something that kept me busy, but not
taking up all my time. Something that keeps me going,
and something that makes me want to continue...

I think my utopia can be my real life, I just have to find
that special thing that satisfies me :eek:) The perfect place
is where nobody suffers from mentalproblems, where
nothing keeps you down mentally. the perfect place is
where everyone try to figure out their problems and
start dealing with them, if there are any :eek:)
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic

now to point out why our world sucks.
1) it isn't efficient to have people with more wealth than they'll ever need while having the majority scrambling for pennies.

yes it is...it might not be 'fair' but provided these ppl don't keep all their millions in their sock draw it does the economy no harm...money gets put into a bank, the bank invests in a company, the company expands, ppl get paid...and so the cycle goes on...if ppl need to 'scramble' then all the better, a bit of keenness never did any harm...

and do you really think you have that big of a choice in what you do? you either risk starting from below nothing and being spit out on the bottom rung of the social/economic ladder, or serve the ones who control the money and be secured in a monotonous, low paying job while the man your working for makes millions without hardly lifting a finger.

its still a choice...you'll simply replace it with a system where everyone without exception can "serve the ones who control the money and be secured in a monotonous, low paying job"...except now my job pays me in bread

2) instead of getting what they need, the poor have to scramble to give the man in the ivory tower money because he stole the essentials and sells them back to them at some pretty hefty price. i'm sure these people know what they need, but can't get it. look, the world already sucks.

what would you base the distribution of wealth on then if not talent, skill and hard work? should a doctor or engineer get the same rewards as a 17yr old moping the floor in macdonald...what do you think this spotty mopper of floors would do if you put him in charge of a heart bypass operation, or an oil field? he wouldn't have a clue what to do...this is why some ppl get paid more than others, anyone can mop a floor, few can run a successful company....its supply and demand...

also important is how you define need...needs are food, water, shealter, heat, light etc....if this is all your giving ppl who work for you then everyone is getting a massive cut...and as there is only so much bread a person can make use of, and once he reaches that point he isn't going to do anymore work until he needs some more breed...you'll quickly run out of workers willing to work enought hours to keep the economy at even a fraction of its former size
less ignorance, more intelligence
less religion, more understanding
less population, more nature
less government, more freedom
less greed, more giving
less pop, more metal :headbang:

...and free ultra-fast internet access for all creatures of the universe!!! :D
Isn't if funny that the actual 'Utopia' by Thomas More is basically about a fictional socialist state.

And then I hear capitalist government and business people discussing Utopia.

So, the actual Utopia isn't an 'ideal' world- it's really a world in which everyone is taken care of in a strong, yet compassionate community.