Wheel of Time


Silence is Golden
Sep 11, 2002
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OK thought i'd start a Wheel of Time thread randomly. lol it can always be deleted. Finally i've others who enjoy this classic series of books!


1) who in the heck is Slayer the new bad dude in town. I don't think he's a forsaken is he?

2) when's Moiraine coming back.. comeon you know its gonna happen.

3) erm Rand randomly cleanses the tainted saiden? ok fine... now is it just me or has Robert Jordan just removed any barrier to Rand doing the hell he wants? when it was tainted, we all knew Rand was on borrowed time.. now its clean.. he's almost invincible and not going to go mad....so basically he can kick some serious ass.
@Malis: I've got the first book (in its e-book version, thanks to Rei Toei), and I haven't checked a single page out. :( But Rahvin (not the Wheel of Time character, but our dear fellow and not-that-tall moderator) will be glad of answering your doubts and questions. :p

@Rahvin: Ciao. :rolleyes:

|ng (Reaching the 1000 posts)
1) Slayer ain't really THAT new, he's been hanging around since The Shadow Rising...he's an amalgamation of Isam and Lord Luc (i.e. Lan's cousin, I think, but can you verify Rahvin? and Rand's uncle). Slayer can move through the dreamworld and enter the real world to perform assassinations for the shadow. No, he is not Forsaken, and he makes most of them pretty nervous.

2) RAFO ha ha ha ha (using Jordan's evil expression)

3) Nothing is ever that simple...yeah, the taint is gone, but after 3000 years you think anyone's gonna believe him? He's already as mad as a cut snake ;)
Btw, Malis, do you have any songs that remind you of scenes in the book, or particular characters? Mutilated lips by Ween always reminds me of Mydraal...trust me, listen to it, and you'll know why ;)
ty for the replys.

@Dark_Jester: lol actually whenever i hear Format C: for cortex, i think it would make great battle music. And i'm always reminded of that huge battle Rand has recently had where he drove the Seanchan back in the Path of Daggers. I imagine the fast bits as up close and personal gritty combat. Then when that glorious soft interlude kicks in, i imagine the camera panning back to reveal a huge landscape, covered in soldiers fighting, then it slowly zooms in on Rand fighting in slow motion.. as the music picks up speed again and the guitars thrash back in, then i imagine hitting back to realtime, and Rand demolishing his enemies.. but thats just me ;)
1. what dark_jester said. :)

2. for her to come back i guess thom and mat have to be near the tower of ghenjei (because of all those prophecies about thom and moiraine, you know), so that's not so likely to happen until mat is stuck with the seanchan. my best bet is the end of book 10, but the prologue of book 11 is as much as likely.

3. i guess apart from the madness, there's still the "true power" level-up waiting in store for rand. ;)

4. @|ngenius: bu. :rolleyes:

5. who did asmodean in? :p

@rahvin: Asmodean? try here for a few ideas concerning the killer...:Smug:

also did you know Moghedian was raped by Shaidar Haran? that's just too freaky..

who is Cyndane? is it Lanfear reincarnated? if so, does that mean She died with Moiraine, and that Moiraine isn't coming back?
as far as Rahv's question, I always thought it was Sammael... the description they gave of him at one point was the same description as some creepy dude mentioned hanging around (read: as part of the army) in Rand's army right after the murder. I'm pretty sure, at least... or maybe I'm making this up....

Does it seem to anyone else that Jordan's gonna die before this story is half over??? Hell... its really startin to get ridiculous the number of books he's dragging this over.

And just because Rand cleaned the taint from Saiden, doesn't mean he's cleaned the taint it left on him previous to its cleansing...

~Kovenant(has no basis for any of these conclusions)
Nah, he seemed to know absolutely nothing about it for real, he kept making references to him as if he still lived, so either he's very clever, or he didn't know. My money is on Grandael, because that would be the ONE thing she actually did of any use ;)
@dark_jester: except being gorgeous and having dozens of pleasure slaves? ;)

i've read all theories about asmodean... i still think lanfear is the only one with a decent motive. she could have asked the aelfinn/eelfinn to be granted the wish of coming back and killing asmodean before getting trapped and then reincarnated in cyndane's body...

and yes, mr. jordan is gonna die prior to the end of this: it's something demandred plotted to help the dark one break the wheel of time. :p

Heh heh heh, Taimandred anyone? It was waaaaaay too obvious to be true was my thought...a certain hook-nosed under-lieutenant of Bashere's on the other hand...could be in a perfect place to trample Mr Jordan to death under his well traines stallion's hooves...
Oh, and Lanfear was dead at the time methinks technically...I feel it wasn't preplanned more of a chance meeting kinda thing...come on, if you're gonna knock off one of the FORSAKEN would you be hiding in a pantry?
demandred --> i started laughing out loud when i got to the end of a lengthy faq page about who's demandred disguised as. it mentioned the recent "how come demandred does not recognize old asha'man finn at the end of winter's heart?" issue and develops about 100 thousand theories as to whether such a slip could be possible from someone hiding near the black tower area. well, the last line of the faq state that, after all, it might quite simply be that "demandred is an idiot". :lol:

asmodean --> if it wasn't preordained, why dispose of the body? why would any other forsaken - bar lanfear - care that people were kept unaware one of the big guys was helping rand develop old talents and skills?

Seriously, if you think Jordan is bad though, try George R 'yeah, I've written the book, but decided I didn't like it, so I'm rewriting it for the fifth time' Martin...by brother has lost all hope of ever getting 'A Feast for the Crows'...personally, I think that's a good thing...his books are so depressing!
Lol have you guys seen a picture of Robert Jordan? He's been writing so many damn books hes doesn't have time to shave! His beard is truly shaggy.

Demandred- i don't think its taim... too obvious, and we all know demandred HATES lews therin very hard, so i don't think he'd have the stamina to pretend to be a loyal servant of Rand.