When did "backline" become "sales pitch"


Dec 28, 2002
I understand there are some blurred lines about where to post new products and product questions as our forum becomes more populated with product makers as well as users, but lately it seems like the backline section is inundated with "check out the new thing I'm selling" threads. Am I the only one who finds this annoying?
I agree Clockwork.
Just for clarities sake, I'm not talking about free stuff from individuals or businesses but the "buy my shit" posts. I also think it's great that guys from Waves, Slate, Recabinet, FXPansion, etc. show up to offer advice or take criticism on their products. It just seems like 1/3 of the threads are direct marketing. I also know that a couple of guys got called out on it but maybe it just needs to be (or be reiterated as) a rule.
Well for starters Backline is labeled "Gear, software, plugins, samples, IRs ..." and Merch Stand "Gear for sale or trade, job offers, collaboration requests", announcing products is more of a Backline location...


I do agree that the never ending onslaught of "buy my drum sample pack, kemper profiles, IR's, presets etc." is fairly annoying and really should go in the Mech Stand subforum. Then again I think we would be hearing bitching about not being able to find or outsource mixing related jobs over there as an end result.
I think it's really funny in that it let's us all know who's struggling for actual audio work and having to make ends meet with gimmicky samples/presets/etc instead.

But it's constant and irritating, to say the least.
I don't nessesarily care if it's an annoucement.

So for example "hey I'm coming out with some samples next month." or "I have some samples here <link>" - I'm cool with that and will probably check them out.

Not cool: "hey I have some samples, this pack costs this much, this one this much and you can go to this link to buy them or you can email me or paypal or F@Q@$^!!!!!!!"

Maybe it's that "official" press releases posted by a company rep should be confined to a thread or area. I dunno. I just feel like there is a huge difference between a dude posting " I just read about this. What do you think?" and a company rep posting "CHECK OUT THE NEW EARTH SHATTERING DRUM SAMPLES FROM MOM'S HOUSE STUDIOS THAT'LL MAKE YOUR BUTTHOLE QUIVER."
I agree....really difficult to draw a line sometimes though....
Slate SSD for example is definitely a software that many perople here are using, so it makes perfect sense to have announcements about new addons etc in the backline section...
and it makes less sense for other things....
I'll try to keep an eye on that more, thanks for the heads up
That's what I'm getting at though. I mean look it seems way different to me if slate shows up makes a thread like so:

Title: "Steven Slate Drums version 4.5 out now"

Text of thread: Info about update and then link to where it is. NO MENTION ON PRICE (let others bring that up if they want to discuss it). Usually price comes up later in the form of others complaining about it. :lol:

VS this kind of crap:

Title: "New drum pack only $25"
Content: Here is where you can hear it <mp.3> and you can download it here!

One is letting you know what's up, the other is just a sales pitch. I mean sure Slate slings his stuff around here, but not nearly as obnoxious. Stick the sales crap in merch.

You totally reminded me of Charles J Wall just now. :lol: doubt it was intentional though.

I don't mind him either, his posts are fun to read. Killer products too.
Seems like a lot of butthurt in this thread. If a rule needs to be clarified then so be it, but some of these comments seem mean spirited and pointless. And I don't sell anything so don't try to go there :fu:
Seems like a lot of butthurt in this thread. If a rule needs to be clarified then so be it, but some of these comments seem mean spirited and pointless. And I don't sell anything so don't try to go there :fu:

Your friends subtly (or not-so-subtly, as it were) ribbing you for being annoying and making them wanting to hang out with you less isn't mean-spirited or pointless. Would you rather us full-on intervention them?

"Hey, GuyManSirDude, we get that things might be slow and that you can use your mild-celebrity to market samples/presets/plugins/whatever to a crowd that still loves you because of the productions you were doing a couple years back in an attempt to increase your revenue stream as well as keep your name out there and relevant in the production world, but you post far too often on far too many platforms with far too many random capitalizations and it's starting to eat into not only your credibility as a producer/engineer but our desire to have you as a member of our community."

I mean... it might be a bit more kind-spirited and probably mature, but it also puts the spotlight directly on them instead of aiming a reading lamp in their general direction.
You totally reminded me of Charles J Wall just now. :lol: doubt it was intentional though.

I don't mind him either, his posts are fun to read. Killer products too.

Not intentional and actually Charles quit posting his FS stuff in the Backline section a while back when someone complained. It was just my absurd version of hyperbolic sales pitches.
Seems like a lot of butthurt in this thread. If a rule needs to be clarified then so be it, but some of these comments seem mean spirited and pointless. And I don't sell anything so don't try to go there :fu:

I think you might be right. I should probably take that supposed butt hurt over to the actual threads we are talking about?

Toss in some replies like "fuck off with your bullshit spam" might be a better way to hash this out? :lol::fu:
Just realized, looking back at my posts, that I inadvertently posted some of my for-sale samples in the Backline section.

Dammit. :erk: