...When love was an human emotion...


New Metal Member
Nov 26, 2001
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My dear friends, what you think about "Globalisation"?
This is one of the more extreme aspects of the arrogant international politics from USA. They only know the money language, and they want to spread that vision to the rest of the world. To give you one simple example of the globalisation that USA want is: Put millions of coca-colas in the poor countries (sub- development) but don't let the people of that countries to enter in the "land of pseudo- freedom" (USA). This globalisation only have fruits to the lords of the big industries (and said one person- better than Marx- "these politic men are dust in the hand of the banks owners").
This globalisation have one purpose: the generalisation of products- everything is a product, even men and women, even money can be sold and bought. And human emotions too.
And they (USA) want to erase from you your intellectual freedom, your freedom for think- you heard Bush said that "Or you be with us or then with talibans". No my friends, I want to have a free thinking- I am not in the side of Bush and not in the side of talibans. Because terrorism and war are two of the most extremes forms of human stupidity. And my dear friends, if USA suffer that ugly and wrong act of terrorism, were they- USA- that caused it (looked to history of the modern(?) world. Yes, USA are the problem of the world, not the saviour.
Last, when I say USA I say the ones who have the politic and money power in that country, the ones who rule and make the decisions (many of them very bad to must of the world).

To some day...
Ya know,
I really wish people could differentiate between the US goverment and we the people who simply inhabit the land called America. We are not Borg, we are not one and this is not a re-run of Star Trek. If you do nothing else in your life get that through your thick skulls PLEASE! Aim your arguements, concerns and general dislike toward the goverment which unfortunately runs our country. Do not make generalizations and presume upon every US Citizen's wants, needs, support, concerns and livelihood based upon what media and past dictates. THANK YOU

There IS more to life...
First of all, I'm not your friend. :D

They only know the money language [...] This globalisation only have fruits to the lords of the big industries

Welcome to the real world. Which noble and honourable country doesn't speak the 'money language' nowadays? Sure, you could make a bogeyman of the USA, but then you would ignore that Europe, for example, isn't any better since the very first labour of industrialization. It didn't happen by accident that Mr. Marx wrote his stuff some time ago.
The wealth of the western world results from this development, which undoubtedly included exploitation. To accuse the (at times) ruthless ways of 'capitalism' is one thing, solely blaming it on the States is another.

everything is a product, even men and women, even money can be sold and bought. And human emotions too. [...] they (USA) want to erase from you your intellectual freedom

Emotions never played a main role in any political or economic paradigm, it's all about profit and might.
Apart from this, when I woke up this morning, the overall situation wasn't that 'orwellesque'. I can't wait to see how a (foreign) government wants to achieve this 'goal', erasing my freedom of thought. There will always be people who follow blindly. I won't.
Originally posted by Brevidade
My dear friends, what you think about "Globalisation"?

first i think its spelled "globalization"
and second i think your here on this bulletin board using english-which im assuming isnt your native language. and i sure think that is nice to be able to hear your view even though we probably speak different languages. :) i appreciate that aspect of globablization. and i dont feel i am arrogant about it because im trying to learn other languages as well.

This is one of the more extreme aspects of the arrogant international politics from USA. They only know the money language, and they want to spread that vision to the rest of the world. To give you one simple example of the globalisation that USA want is: Put millions of coca-colas in the poor countries (sub- development) but don't let the people of that countries to enter in the "land of pseudo- freedom" (USA). This globalisation only have fruits to the lords of the big industries (and said one person- better than Marx- "these politic men are dust in the hand of the banks owners").
This globalisation have one purpose: the generalisation of products- everything is a product, even men and women, even money can be sold and bought. And human emotions too.
And they (USA) want to erase from you your intellectual freedom, your freedom for think- you heard Bush said that "Or you be with us or then with talibans". No my friends, I want to have a free thinking- I am not in the side of Bush and not in the side of talibans. Because terrorism and war are two of the most extremes forms of human stupidity.

are you free thinking or not thinking?
your one person, so your free to say you know, fuck it im just gonna say terrorism and war are stupid and its not a problem-a goverment can not do that.
so, in your opinion, what should the US government do? let them continue to blow shit up and beat women? im not trying to say the USA is the best place in the world, no way. i get mad because i cant go buy a beer or whatever. thats ok (other people will buy my beer for me anyway).

but im quite happy im going to college, that i can play my trumpet and guitar and am able to expose my face in public without worrying about being beaten or executed if some man finds out about it.
if anything im all about seeing such a patriarchal establishment go down...
but ultmiately i just dont like seeing death and pain. i wish none of it had happened, that it all could have been different.

And my dear friends, if USA suffer that ugly and wrong act of terrorism, were they- USA- that caused it (looked to history of the modern(?) world.

the modern hisotry of the world? ok im looking at it, and i may be jaded since i live here you know, but the recent history of this world seems a lot better than say, the ancient history of the world.

globalization is not a new thing...take the romans! the romans were all about globalization. well, they just killed people who didnt accept their globalization. hell ive read they they just killed people who did. they said "surrender and we'll let you live!" so whole cities surrenedered and they just killed them all anyways.

Yes, USA are the problem of the world, not the saviour.

well, im sure if bin laudin had the means he'd just nuke the US into oblivion, and then you wouldnt have any problems with the world anymore. flowers would grow, bunnies would hop around and fuck, the skies would be clear and blue, and everyone would be oh so happy.

Last, when I say USA I say the ones who have the politic and money power in that country, the ones who rule and make the decisions (many of them very bad to must of the world).

To some day...

blåh blåh blåh
The only thing I hate about globalisation is the dumb buggers around here who protest it by giving McDonalds a hard time (protesting outside, trapping people inside who are scared by them). Most of the people I'm sure have no clue what the concept of globalisation really is. It's here, it's real, get over it. :rant:
American poiticians do suck arse, but hey, I live a long way away, so I'm happy.
The rest of you may be screwed though :lol:
Originally posted by Brevidade
My dear friends, what you think about "Globalisation"?
This is one of the more extreme aspects of the arrogant international politics from USA. They only know the money language, and they want to spread that vision to the rest of the world. To give you one simple example of the globalisation that USA want is: Put millions of coca-colas in the poor countries (sub- development) but don't let the people of that countries to enter in the "land of pseudo- freedom" (USA). This globalisation only have fruits to the lords of the big industries (and said one person- better than Marx- "these politic men are dust in the hand of the banks owners").
This globalisation have one purpose: the generalisation of products- everything is a product, even men and women, even money can be sold and bought. And human emotions too.
And they (USA) want to erase from you your intellectual freedom, your freedom for think- you heard Bush said that "Or you be with us or then with talibans". No my friends, I want to have a free thinking- I am not in the side of Bush and not in the side of talibans. Because terrorism and war are two of the most extremes forms of human stupidity. And my dear friends, if USA suffer that ugly and wrong act of terrorism, were they- USA- that caused it (looked to history of the modern(?) world. Yes, USA are the problem of the world, not the saviour.
Last, when I say USA I say the ones who have the politic and money power in that country, the ones who rule and make the decisions (many of them very bad to must of the world).

To some day...

Oh shut the fuck up, will ya.
Evisceratix wrote:

"first i think its spelled "globalization""

Just another aspect of U.S arrogance. While the mighty 'U.S of A' may spell words with a 'z', I can assure you that the rest of the English speaking world doesn't.

No offence to those who understand a little more than Evisceratix in the way of grammatical English.

Whether you want to believe it or not, US imperialism is as real as anything. So "getting real" for many people implies lying down for the US juggernaut.

I walk into a clothing store in Australia and 25% of the clothes have either a US flag adorning the front, or the US flag colours in a shape (ie. a star, a number etc.), decorating it. 80% of television is U.S, fast food chains proliferate the landscape, American pop dominates the charts.

Globalisation appears in many ways. I, for one, am sick of it.
Originally posted by requiem
Evisceratix wrote:

"first i think its spelled "globalization""

Just another aspect of U.S arrogance. While the mighty 'U.S of A' may spell words with a 'z', I can assure you that the rest of the English speaking world doesn't.

No offence to those who understand a little more than Evisceratix in the way of grammatical English.

Whether you want to believe it or not, US imperialism is as real as anything. So "getting real" for many people implies lying down for the US juggernaut.

I walk into a clothing store in Australia and 25% of the clothes have either a US flag adorning the front, or the US flag colours in a shape (ie. a star, a number etc.), decorating it. 80% of television is U.S, fast food chains proliferate the landscape, American pop dominates the charts.

Globalisation appears in many ways. I, for one, am sick of it.

Your point about the spelling is well taken.

Your observation on the effects of globalization (I'll spell it the US way), is a bit short-sighted. For if you see the big picture, you'll realise that US gov't didn't impose anything on you; the markets did.

The markets have two important components to it. The supply side, is what you're apparently upset i.e. the proliferation of US products, and the demand side which you totally ignored.

American pop (or shall we call it poop) can not dominate the charts, unless (your) people dig it. The same goes for the clothes, television programs etc. Price and quantity are sadly determined by supply and demand. Whereas demand there will be supply (and sometimes supply can create demand too).

I fiound it pretty ironic that some French people acquaintances of mine were complaining about the same things, yet overindulged in the latest US craze: whether it was rap, fashion, movies and... appallingly... McDonalds.:tickled:

Btw, in relation to your earlier question, I've never even been to England.
by the way, i have in my possession the original Bush' speech before someone smarter than him (6 years old kid) edited it:

Good evening my fellow Americans.

First, I want to pass on my condolences to the people of New York and all
Americans that are hurting in this tragic time. You can rest assured that
anything and everything that can be done to assure the safety of our country
will be done. This is the greatest country in the world and we will get
through this trying time. Now is the time for all people to set aside our
petty differences and show the world that no one or nothing can destroy the
fortitude of the American people.

To the people responsible for Tuesday's tragedy, I say this: Are you fucking
kidding me? Are the turbans on your heads wrapped too tight? Have you gone
too long without a bath? Do you not know who you are fucking with? Americans
are so hungry to kill, that we shoot at each other every day. We will relish
that opportunity for new targets for our aggression.

Have you forgotten history? What happened to the last people that started
fucking around with us? Remember the little yellow bastards over in Japan?
We slapped them all over the Pacific and roasted about 2 million of them in
their own back yard. That's what we in America call a big ass barbecue.

Ever seen Texas on a map? Ever wonder why it's so big? Because we wanted it
that way when Mexico started jacking around with the Alamo. What are they
doing now? They cut our lawns.

Oh yeah remember England? We sent them packing.

Ask your buddy Saddam about fucking with the good 'ole USA. The only reason
he got away the first time is because it's too hard to shoot someone when
you're doubled over laughing at them. Our soldiers aren't trained to laugh
and shoot at the same time. Now he couldn't stop a pack of cub scouts from
taking over his shitty little country.

Trust us, Afghanistan will end up a giant kitty litter box. Go ahead and try
to hide, Bin Laden. There's not a hole deep enough or a mountain high enough
that's going to keep your camel-riding-ass safe. We will bomb every inch of
the country that harbors him, his camps and any place that looks and even
smells like he was there. Hell, we might even drop a few bombs on people
that have pissed us off in the past. This is America. We kick ass. This is
what we do. Go ahead and laugh now, but the Tomahawks are coming and we will
smoke your sorry asses.

God bless America!
Originally posted by Wolff

The markets have two important components to it. The supply side, is what you're apparently upset i.e. the proliferation of US products, and the demand side which you totally ignored.

Understood. But the demand on behalf of ie. Australians stems not from any real desire for American products, but because of saturation advertising which induces them to buy. Granted, these products would not be dominant if the sheep who inhabit this land didn't purchase them, yet this does not alter the detrimental impact globalisation has on traditional Australian culture. The two countries are quickly and surely merging, and when that happens national identity is lost.

There are some who resist this, yet the sad truth is that the majority neither understand nor care.

That's why globalisation annoys me. Not just because of the U.S, but also because of our own people.
I could only imagine....

I actually visited the U.S in 95 and I must admit it is a rather nice place in parts.

I don't have anything against the people of the country either....generally.;)
Originally posted by llamaura
Just imagine what it would be like if the US was your next door neighbour...

Just imagine if Canada was your neighbor. Right, it wouldn't matter
Originally posted by requiem

Understood. But the demand on behalf of ie. Australians stems not from any real desire for American products, but because of saturation advertising which induces them to buy. Granted, these products would not be dominant if the sheep who inhabit this land didn't purchase them, yet this does not alter the detrimental impact globalisation has on traditional Australian culture. The two countries are quickly and surely merging, and when that happens national identity is lost.

There are some who resist this, yet the sad truth is that the majority neither understand nor care.

That's why globalisation annoys me. Not just because of the U.S, but also because of our own people.

The countries will never, but I'm not so sure that national identity is such a positive thing that it should outweigh economic considerations. Look at EU ffs; I mean the French are giving up some of their "nationale identite" for better living. Globalization works because it is economically viable. And it works both ways btw, you should see the stupid Foster commercials we have here.

Regardless, I think national identity is not the answer. I've never been a nationalist and I certainly will not become one now.
Originally posted by LoboUivante
by the way, i have in my possession the original Bush' speech before someone smarter than him (6 years old kid) edited God bless America!

Regardless of Bush's perceived dumbness, he's handling the war situation remarkably well.

Fine, the president is going to get ripped, and that comes with holding the most powerful office in the planet, but just immagine the amount of abuse had that person happened to be Yeltsin, Kohl, Chretien, Berlusconi... And the Aussie PM is not exactly the brightest bulb in the room either, right?
Originally posted by requiem

The two countries are quickly and surely merging, and when that happens national identity is lost.

Globalization is the problem and the solution.

It makes everything more the same, Individualism and freedom wane...

Yet under globalization is total and final (crossbred until we're all one race, anexed/economically tied until we're all one nation, one worldwide religion, etc), I don't think there can ever be anything resembling world peace. It's the differences that cause the conflict...
My tangent would be commercial commodification. Like they say, many cultures are being Americanised and that is partly down to two things, globalisation and the acceptance and even the ambivalence of people to globalisation. Being English I live in a country that has a strong sense of history and a strong heritage and it's something I'm proud of (and yes, all countries have their flaws and dark pasts, so do we). I have little desire to see that watered down by American influence via American produced cultural touchstones or an American influenced British version of the same thing.

But the general apathy towards, and often encouragement for, American products or British products with the American influence has led to a slight loss of identity. But it is what the people want, and the majority rules in a democracy. Cultures are being altered and end up fitting more in line with an American standard, but these tend to be very much the popular cultures, which invariably die down anyway.

What am I saying? God knows. Hahahaha.. :lol: There is an obvious American influence in modern culture as it is a dominating force in terms of politics, commerce and entertainment, people buy into it because it's what they see most frequently, it's not taken over completely yet but it could happen.

I don't mean to make a bogeyman out of the US, but the fact is that is the dominating culture in today's modern world, as represented by the local cinema showing three American big budget films and nothing else.

Just ignore me. I'm a product of a media studies A-level. :D :loco: :lol: