When nature takes revenge..... is fucking sweet


Nov 13, 2006
Chile - La Serena

Stupid "sport"
When i saw that pic the first time i laughed my ass off!
I heard that he got real bad now again.. they fixed him up afterwards, and he wasnt considered being "critical" and was sent home, but he got a hemorrhage or something?
Anyways, he got what he f-cking deserved! :kickass:
Seen this a few days ago. Thought it was shopped but since it keeps coming up I guess it's true?
Anyway I think bullfighting should be prohibited. Kinda odd that the EU hasn't passed a law to do so yet. Fuck what's going on in the name of "tradition".
I'm sorry for this guys family since obviously they lost their husband/father. Even if he pulls through they'll most likely have to care for him for the rest of his miserable life. Douchebag should have thought about this as well before he decided to pursue a career as a Torero.
Seen this a few days ago. Thought it was shopped but since it keeps coming up I guess it's true?
Anyway I think bullfighting should be prohibited. Kinda odd that the EU hasn't passed a law to do so yet. Fuck what's going on in the name of "tradition".
I'm sorry for this guys family since obviously they lost their husband/father. Even if he pulls through they'll most likely have to care for him for the rest of his miserable life. Douchebag should have thought about this as well before he decided to pursue a career as a Torero.

There is a video released of it.
And no, the doctors reconstructed his jaw, tongue and whatnot.. nothing else took damage(He was sent home after a week or so.).
I read up in the Swedish newspapers though, and what i thought was a hemorrhage was in fact an infection, and he is currently being treated by an intensive care unit for the infection.

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It´s pathetic how the bull always ends up losing. Every torero should be stabbed like that, as so should all the moronic people who attend and cheer at those events.

As said before, it´s 100% true and the guy is in recovery, I think I even heard it won´t be long till he gets back at his ""craft""