When was the last time you listened to...

1) Number of the Beast?
2) Operation: Mindcrime?
3) Keeper of the Seven Keys Part II?
4) Your all-time favorite album?

1...a year or so ago.
2. never...hate the band
3. Just last night I was watching Helloween vids on youtube and listening to the song Keeper of the Seven keys.
4. hard to say what my favorite album is but I listen to my faves about once a month.
1) About a year ago leading up to the Maiden England tour
2) In its entirety probably 6 to 8 years ago
3) I have most of my fav Helloween albums / tracks on my IPOD - so I don't really listen to Helloween by full length, esp for the older albums I know backwards and forwards. There has not been a week that has gone by since I got back into metal in the late 90s where I didn't listen to at least one Helloween song.
4) Almost impossible to define my all time favorite album. Though I have so many favorites that I know so well, so I would have to say since I know it so well it has probaby been a while......
2. never...hate the band

I didn't listen to Mindcrime when it first came out becuase by that point, the 14 year old thrasher in me considered them sell outs.

Though when I got back into metal and started exploring some of the newer prog metal bands on the scene I did get Mindcrime (For some odd reason, I actually have it on both tape and CD).

It is truly a brilliant concept record. No other way to put it.

I know nothing in the world will ever get ANYONE who doesnt like QR to check out any of their own material as they have tainted their own legacy, but Mindcrime is ridiculously good.
I bought O:M a few weeks before I got my driver's license. I listened to it a little, but was still getting into it. For my first month of driving, I was "not allowed to listen to music". Yeah right....

So it's finally time for my first long-ish solo drive. Only about 30-45 minutes. In goes Operation Mindcrime. One of the songs, I don't remember which, has a siren. And HOLY FUCK I THOUGHT I WAS GETTING PULLED OVER AND IT WAS THE SCARIEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME.

Cool story, I know...
Actually, I bought Keepers I around the same time in Puerto Rico because I was really stoked to find a power metal album in a Walmart. They also sold some Rhapsody, Avantasia, and other bands.
Wow, I have seen some Metal Blade releases in a Wal MArt but never Helloween or Rhapsody.

The oddest thing I saw at Wal Mart was the latest Symphorce, at the time.

I wonder if at that time Wal Marts were just buying stuff from wholesalers.
I know thats how when Best Buy first came around in the early 90s they had a LOT of weird and underground stuff.

They even had a commercial early on that had a punk rocker who said something like, "They even have Screeching Weasel here"!!!!
To answer my own survey:

1) Six or seven months ago
2) Last week
3) Yesterday
4) Helloween's Walls of Jericho - a few months ago

I was just curious how often people listen to old classics, considering how much time we spend looking for new albums or stuff we haven't heard before.
I was just curious how often people listen to old classics, considering how much time we spend looking for new albums or stuff we haven't heard before.

I seem to go through periods where I listen to a bunch of classic stuff, then I'll go through a period where I knock out a bunch of newer releases.
1) Number of the Beast?
2) Operation: Mindcrime?
3) Keeper of the Seven Keys Part II?
4) Your all-time favorite album?
1) Probably a month ago, though I pick out single songs here and there on a regular basis
2) Last week, I jam this album waaaaaay too much
3) 6 months - a year ago, I'm liking it less and less and I go on
4) I'm not sure what my all-time favorite is, so let's go with New Dark Age by Solstice and my answer will be maybe a month ago

The past couple weeks have been devoted to Russian metal studies mostly
1) Number of the Beast? - Maybe 6 months
2) Operation: Mindcrime? - In full probably a year at least
3) Keeper of the Seven Keys Part II? Last Month
4) Your all-time favorite album? Tough to call but since I listened this morning - Helloween - Walls of Jericho! So freaking good! This and Gamma Ray Land of the Free are usually weekly to bi-weekly for me.