When you really wanna sing...


God Of Emptiness
Nov 29, 2002
Second left after Wal-Mart
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Who do you bust out? Depending on how I temper my voice, the choices vary. I seem to be able to mimic well but don't have much of a voice on my own...

Saturnus - Martyr/Veronica Decides To Die. I like doing all vocal parts: deep growl, midrange rasping, and soft soken.

King Diamond - Them/Conspiracy. Used to do more of this but my falsetto has been in the shits the last few years.

Dead Can Dance - Brendan Perry's stuff. Somewhat hard to do because of his unique timbre.

Evergrey - In Search Of Truth/The Inner Circle.

Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast. I used to be able to do this whole album very, very well. It tore the shit out of my vocal cords and I loved it. I could also do a lot of Dusk but it was higher and I wiped out on a lot of it.

Sonata Arctica - Winterheart's Guild. I can't touch his voice but some of them are fun to harmonize to.

Bathory - Hammerheart.

Moonsorrow - Voimasta ja Kuniasta.

Jethro Tull - Songs From The Wood/Stormwatch/Broadsword and the Beast

Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black.

Krigloch The Furious - Gun Jamz Against Jammed Gunz. "Even My Pecker Has Rifling In It" has to be one of the catchiest songs ever.
i very much like to sing along with Danzig. if i could do a little better Danzig impression i would be at Karaoke every night.

Krigloch The Furious - Gun Jamz Against Jammed Gunz. "Even My Pecker Has Rifling In It" has to be one of the catchiest songs ever.
The best I do is running around the house singing made up dirty limericks while I clean. The reason, I have no singing voice. My voice sounds like shit, and I'm afraid to inflict it on people. But I do it plenty when no one is around.
Kauan sitten kylän päässä syntyi kaksi poikaa,
Kaksi perillistä sodanjumalan karhuntaljoin verhotun.
Jo kolmen iästä, sanovat, toisiansa alkoivat harjoittaa
Ja kun teräksensä yhteen kalahti, saattoi kuulla ukkosen


Blind Guardian is good for that too.
when I want to sing along I really like

Modest Mouse
Blind Guardian
Iced Earth (alive in athens mainly)
Primordial (not so good at it but, the lyrics are so <3)
Neurosis (a little better than I am at Primordial)
Virgin Steele! ahaha fuck yes
Black Sabbath of course, but I think I like singing along to Dio a bit more, its a but sillier and more fun

ummm I dunno I like to sing in the car to pretty much anything I think I can do
how could i forget my favorite, MR BUNGLE!! its like a first person trip through the insane asylum!

Black Sabbath of course, but I think I like singing along to Dio a bit more, its a but sillier and more fun
Sabbath and DIO definitely!!! also other high pitch 70s/80s bands like Boston, Kansas, Queen, Journey, Survivor, Iron Maiden, Judas Rockin' Priest, etc