When's the next announcement??


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
I mean, just because the line-up is settled and known doesn't mean there isn't something you should announce!! What's the weather forecast? What color car are you guys arriving in? Will you be wearing clean socks? Which Chicago band member will get drunk and pass out first? There's lots of things left to know! Come on, guys, don't hold out on us!!


^^ :lol:

On the afternoon of the first day of the fest, the weather will be perfect. I'll be arriving in a limo wearing a designer gown and passing out bottles of water to promote sobriety.

Ohhh maaaan. I hope this is not a subtle dig at me and my new-found freedom from alcohol intake. :erk: If it is let it be known that foisting moral values onto others is not my intention. I've simply made a personal choice to abstain from the fermented grain. :saint: This decision only applies to me. Likewise, what others do only applies to them. I strive not to judge although it still happens every once in a while, so please pardon any really bad remarks I may have made lately about alcohol consumption. I still have the smoking vice to ditch so I don't want to be a hypocrite. I do think it's a bit unfair that the anti-smoking nazis are allowed to have their say without much resistance, though, so if I happen to get all high and mighty about drinking I'm only turning the tables... :p
Ohhh maaaan. I hope this is not a subtle dig at me and my new-found freedom from alcohol intake. :erk: If it is let it be known that foisting moral values onto others is not my intention. I've simply made a personal choice to abstain from the fermented grain. :saint: This decision only applies to me. Likewise, what others do only applies to them. I strive not to judge although it still happens every once in a while, so please pardon any really bad remarks I may have made lately about alcohol consumption. I still have the smoking vice to ditch so I don't want to be a hypocrite. I do think it's a bit unfair that the anti-smoking nazis are allowed to have their say without much resistance, though, so if I happen to get all high and mighty about drinking I'm only turning the tables... :p

I'll be sober with you rebecca! :headbang:

well... mostly sober... I drink a little, but very little.
Ohhh maaaan. I hope this is not a subtle dig at me and my new-found freedom from alcohol intake. :erk: If it is let it be known that foisting moral values onto others is not my intention. I've simply made a personal choice to abstain from the fermented grain. :saint: This decision only applies to me. Likewise, what others do only applies to them. I strive not to judge although it still happens every once in a while, so please pardon any really bad remarks I may have made lately about alcohol consumption. I still have the smoking vice to ditch so I don't want to be a hypocrite. I do think it's a bit unfair that the anti-smoking nazis are allowed to have their say without much resistance, though, so if I happen to get all high and mighty about drinking I'm only turning the tables... :p

No no no, it was not a dig on you! In fact, I didn't know that laying low on the alcohol was a new life style for you in the first place. ;) I would never poke fun at anyone trying to abstain from either vice. My post was merely a meager attempt at a joke...because I wouldn't be caught dead in a gown and though I respect anyone's decision not to drink, I sure as hell wouldn't go out of my way to stop people from doing so! The limo thing, well, ya just never know, hehe. Good for you Rebecca! I'm sure I'll be doing enough partying for the both of us. :)
All I hear here at school is how much of a fag I am because I don't drink. >_<

Well, I guess if enough people are saying it...........

Ah, I kid I kid.. But seriously man. . You are in college and you AREN'T drinking?

Looks like we know who's doing the first beer bong!
All I hear here at school is how much of a fag I am because I don't drink. >_<

I still get that all the time...never drank...never had a desire too. People ask me questions all the time about why. Just because I dont do what everyone else does, it really bothers them I think. This one guy I work with cant stop talking about it....funny part is that he is a total nerd...I mean...look in the dictonary and his photo is there. He started drinking basically to fit in and now he tries to belittle me in front of people to prove he is a "man". I love turning it around on him and making him look stupid.
Here are some links to a couple of MPEGS I took at the Heaven and Hell show last night at O'Malley's. The quality isn't that great because I'm still not as proficient as I should be at taking vids with the Cybershot. Most of them tend to turn out dark and blurry and the audio quality can be dodgy, too. The meager stage lighting and craziness down in front of the stage at O'Malley's last night didn't help matters either. ;) Anyway, part of Rainbow in the Dark and Mob Rules are in the first clip:

http://www.eyesoffyr.com/music/sweet_home/tributes/heavenandhell/heavenandhell_rainbow_mob.mpg (125 MB)

The second one is most of Man on the Silver Mountain, the final song in the set. It really was crowd pleaser. :D

http://www.eyesoffyr.com/music/sweet_home/tributes/heavenandhell/heavenandhell_man.mpg (78 MB)

Sacred Dawn also played last night. Finally got to see them. Pics of them and Heaven and Hell have also been posted to the Foto Gallery.

Sacred Dawn
Heaven and Hell

In other news, our own ShadowLioness (Rachel) was also in attendance at last night's show and she won the raffle! She is now the proud owner of a Washburn guitar.


Congratulations, Rachel! And thanks for the clarification above. ;)
Here are some links to a couple of MPEGS I took at the Heaven and Hell show last night at O'Malley's. The quality isn't that great because I'm still not as proficient as I should be at taking vids with the Cybershot. Most of them tend to turn out dark and blurry and the audio quality can be dodgy, too. The meager stage lighting and craziness down in front of the stage at O'Malley's last night didn't help matters either. ;) Anyway, part of Rainbow in the Dark and Mob Rules are in the first clip:

http://www.eyesoffyr.com/music/sweet_home/tributes/heavenandhell/heavenandhell_rainbow_mob.mpg (125 MB)

The second one is most of Man on the Silver Mountain, the final song in the set. It really was crowd pleaser. :D

http://www.eyesoffyr.com/music/sweet_home/tributes/heavenandhell/heavenandhell_man.mpg (78 MB)

Sacred Dawn also played last night. Finally got to see them. Pics of them and Heaven and Hell have also been posted to the Foto Gallery.

Sacred Dawn
Heaven and Hell

In other news, our own ShadowLioness (Rachel) was also in attendance at last night's show and she won the raffle! She is now the proud owner of a Washburn guitar.


Congratulations, Rachel! And thanks for the clarification above. ;)

cool pix, sucks I missed the show but there were a few things that altered my original plans this weekend....
No way. REAL real men play 6.

Oh yeah!!! I dare you to say that to THESE men!!!

