Where are the stickers for GOTE???

Apr 3, 2004
We all got an email a month ago about stickers to promote the album, where are they. It would have been nice to hand them out at the Dio/Anthrax show. Will we get them before the album comes out???
muffytheVampirelayer said:
We all got an email a month ago about stickers to promote the album, where are they. It would have been nice to hand them out at the Dio/Anthrax show. Will we get them before the album comes out???
I'll have an answer to that question, which I've asked to management, soon.
I will let you all know as soon as I hear anything.
I have an idea. Maybe we can have a bake sale for Anthrax, and we can raise some $$$ and get our own stickers printed from the profits we make from our baked goods???

ThraxDude said:
I'll have an answer to that question, which I've asked to management, soon.
I will let you all know as soon as I hear anything.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
I have an idea. Maybe we can have a bake sale for Anthrax, and we can raise some $$$ and get our own stickers printed from the profits we make from our baked goods???
Good idea!
We could also use those profits to make T-shirts to give away. I know someone who can get them made for about $6 each. That's about the cost of 150 cookies.
Let's do this!:headbang:
muffytheVampirelayer said:
I have an idea. Maybe we can have a bake sale for Anthrax, and we can raise some $$$ and get our own stickers printed from the profits we make from our baked goods???
I'll make brownies! EXTRA special ones...
ThraxDude said:
I'll have an answer to that question, which I've asked to management, soon.
I will let you all know as soon as I hear anything.

Tad, when we were checking on the availability of WCFYA in stores, we were told it would be made worth our while. Any idea what that meant and if anything is ever going to come out of that?

SCott308 said:
Tad, when we were checking on the availability of WCFYA in stores, we were told it would be made worth our while. Any idea what that meant and if anything is ever going to come out of that?

Ooooh, boy. Yeah, I remember reading that. Ummmmm... well... I can't comment on that because I really don't know.
But how bout those free tickets you got? :D
ThraxDude said:
Ooooh, boy. Yeah, I remember reading that. Ummmmm... well... I can't comment on that because I really don't know.
But how bout those free tickets you got? :D

Those are always good. Thankee-sai.:D Although, I didn't get the passes I was supposed to. :erk: But I ended up talking to the guys and hanging out backstage anyway, drinking Anthrax's beer. :kickass: Thank you, Charlie. :worship:


The stickers should have been shipped.
If you have received GOTE stickers, post here. Let me know!
I picked up about 10 during the deathrider video shoot. They had em lying all over the bar. I have placed them in good strategic locations with extra glue on the back so they cannot be removed easily. Promoting a good band, always a good time.