Where are you Al Sharpton and JEsse Jackson?? You racist black assholes!!!!!

Nice hate crime. Oh wait, it isn't that because the victim was white. I'm sure Jackson and Sharpton can rationalize it as the white boy getting what he deserved due to his forefathers actions. Isn't every black person bred to believe white society owes them everything?

After careful analytical study of that videotape I have come to a few conclusions.

1.) Why did they think they were living in a nice area if there are little G's roaming around. A black family lives in my neighborhood, but they drive BMW's and use proper diction.

2.) The kid dresses like his assailants, and speaks like them to. Classy choices of words like "wit" "dey" "dere" and a knew one to me, dows. I bet that kid said something also to get the whole deal. Dressing and talking like a nigga, probably thought he was one.

But again, this can't be a hate crime because it wasn't white folks perpetrating it.
we are talking about the same incident where nooses were hun in the trees after? if so, then there was a 200 my pals march in pittsburgh in defence of the you know who's, with a white kid in the march...i dont use internet acronyms, but...WTF!?

lol no. Some white kid got a beat down from a gang of ninjas.