Where are youAL Sharpton, ACLU and JEsse JAckson???

That story merits zero national media attention.....No one is missing.....They have bodies.....they have suspects...It would just be more sensationalized drivel that I don't need to hear about.....Now excuse me I have important news to catch up on.....like when that Hilton broad is going to jail.....
That happened down the road from me here in Knoxville. Sick sick fuckers. It gets TONS of press down here. The latest coming from the news is that both of those people were raped. They just offed the guy first and left the girl for a few days. Pretty horrible.

Of course no one comes crying..because they are black so it is kind of expected. The story is the guys said they were going out to "make some money" aka car jack..they just took it way to far.

But those damn kids should have known. Here in Knoxville, if you don't wanna see blacks or poor people, you don't go to their neighborhoods. There are only about 4 areas to avoid. Sometimes, I forget any minority lives here (besides white trash)
But those damn kids should have known. Here in Knoxville, if you don't wanna see blacks or poor people, you don't go to their neighborhoods. There are only about 4 areas to avoid.

What a pathetic commentary this is. Yet it speaks volumes about the realities of race in America...and elsewhere. And it would seem "seeing" Blacks or "poor people" was the least of their problems...
What a pathetic commentary this is. Yet it speaks volumes about the realities of race in America...and elsewhere. And it would seem "seeing" Blacks or "poor people" was the least of their problems...

yup X 1000.
some jerk in the second article said the kids must have been looking for drugs if they were in that part of town. even if that was true, it doesnt excuse what was done to them.