Where did everyone hear 54?

The video of LaL? Chances are it didn't even get considered for inclusion on K!TV :(

As for me, I lost my 54 virginity to the demo version of Living A Lie which was on a CD free with Cop Out magazine. My first live experience of them was at the legendary (for the wrong reasons) Exeter show during May 2002
They were at Bloodstock 2001 but I never went so I never got to hear them!
Then I downloaded a song by them end of last year and staight away bought the beckoning of the end album!
Of course I then found out I had actually seen them live May 2002 in Hull.
But for reasons I'll keep to myself I tried to forget that night so I thus forgot Area 54! Hehe

I heard You See The Light on a free-be CD from Classic Rock mag back in about September 2000! I loved the track then about Feb. 01 I stumbled across NVS in my local music shop and had a bit of dosh from Xmas left over so i bought it :D I've been hooked ever since! Bargain of the year I'd say at £10, those were the days when you could buy a new CD for a tenner :p
got pointed towards there website and heard the samples for nvs on there, sounded interesting (but way too short) and so brought the album

saw them live for the 1st time at the mean fiddler supporting saxon (went for 54) and cos of that i've seen saxon and 54 3 more times each
Cool - I'm can't wait to see the tour dates either! If they do play up this way and you're supporting you can count on the monkey hangers to be there to show some support :D
Cool. Well feel free to get a copy of the EP if we are supporting them and spread it round :p
New singer is starting on Saturday and he used to be in Iced Earth tribute band (Matt Barlow era) so this should be interesting! Means I can write some really Heavy shit.
Only thing about the EP though is that it will not have my Epic on it as it's going to last over 20 minutes going off what we have done so far. I could put a ample of it on like!
We shal see what happenes....main thing though is to support 54...wow!!!
I met Lakis whilst out in London (well in a queue actually how random!), and he mentioned 54, so i checked them out! LaL video shoulda got played on Scuzz. huff!
I first saw em January 2001 Supporting BLAZe in Bradford Rios. Was less than sober, but could tell they were pretty darn good.

Saw em again at Bloodstock the same year and that just confirmed it!! :lol:
I first saw 54 last September at the Studios in Edinburgh....I had no idea what they sounded like by the end of the night 'cause I was too captivated with Laura...*blushes and lowers head*