Where do we go now? Maintaining music as a viable occupation in the modern world


formerly Skeksis268
Dec 30, 2008
Coventry, UK

I thought I'd make a thread to discuss the possible moves that can be made to protect the viability of jobs in the music industry.

This could include possible legislation ideas all the way down to new approaches to making money as a small upcoming band/artist.

*Please* try and treat this thread more like a think-tank and less like your average internet forum, I know we have a lot of very intelligent people here, this could be a very interesting thread.

P.S. citations are good, make them. If the article or paper you cite is of more general relevance than your specific post then I'll add it to this post.

very good thread idea skeks... i hope there's some good input.

currently i think it's going to require a co-ordinated, 3-pronged attack... education, incentive, & enforcement (E.I.E.).

sadly, information and enticements won't be enough... legislation will ultimately be needed, and will need to be enforced. it will initially be like taking junk away from a junkie though.

engineers had been insulated from the problems for the first few years of the development of these issues.... but as budgets drop, it's inevitably and inexorably effecting our bottom lines... only a positive result of E.I.E., to my mind, has a chance of curbing this trend, though clearly things will never be exactly the same again. And i'm not suggesting that we should simply be looking to rewind the clock to 1998... we do need to restore some common sense, rule of law, and fairness though.

it will not be easy, and may fail utterly... to the incalculable detriment of us all: artists (bands!), engineers (producers, recordists, mixers, M.E.'s!), labels (the investors!!), and consumers (fans of music!!). i'm interested to hear other's ideas.