Where do you download songs

Use Kazaa Lite, original Kazaa is spyware-infested piece of crap that steals your bandwith and processing power! www.kazaalite.com

I use Kazaa Lite and WinMX but both suck compared to AG. Direct Connect would be great but I don't have 10 gigs to share, and the 5 gig servers are not good. Blubster seemed good, but it's really buggy.
Originally posted by Voice of God
Direct Connect would be great but I don't have 10 gigs to share, and the 5 gig servers are not good.

direct connect rules, it's almost as good as aglx.
go rip all of your cd's in good quality and you'll perhaps get a gig or two. :)
Heh, it's not that I don't have stuff to share, I just don't have enough space on my hard drive. I have maybe max 7 gigs on my HD I can share and that's it. Have to get a new HD I guess... I think I'll try Direct Connect out anyway, it's been pretty long when I tested that.
I wish there was something as good as Audio Galaxy around. That's what I used till it bought the farm. You could choose the bitrate and everything. It was just perfect. Nowadays I go through my local ISP's newsgroup service (usenet). There is quite a few mp3 groups on there and you can make requests for specific things and most of the time there can be some pretty decent finds. It's always full albums too. If you wanna go that way try these groups: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.heavy-metal , alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.rock.metal . I also like the groups: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1990s , alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s , and alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.gothic-industrial. Make sure you use a program like Free Agent to be able to download the binary attachments. Its the program I use and it helps out alot. Kazzaa and Bearshare suck sandy camel balls. Can't stand to use them and they are a last resort kinda thing. Everytime I use any of them I can't look at any websites or if I close Bearshare , sometimes I get the blue screen of death. I also get terrible search results on them too. Another place you might try out is good ol IRC. It's been there from the begining and will always be there. I use the dalnet and undernet servers. You can sometimes find good quality mp3s there but most of the time its 128 bitrate crap. Lately ques have been terrible on IRC. If you do go on IRC go to #mp3-metal , #metalmusic , and maybe #mp3-metal ... or just type " /list mp3 " in status window and pick out a channel that bests suits your needs.

happy hunting... untill the next audio galaxy clone comes along :/

Kazaa and Winmx are certainly good ones! The thing is what you want. For example, Kazaa may download with great speed but there is only a certain quality of 128 and for videos they are in a low resolution.The good thing is that everything is categorised. You may search for a certain song, for a certain artist e.t.c.

As for Winmx, it isn't so speedy! There aren't categories as in kazaa. But you can choose the quality of what you download.

I have both of them working the same time.Tis better.

www.winmx.com for WinMX
www.kazaa.com for KaZaA. I think the latest version of kazaa v1.7.2 will require some money so download version 1.6(which is freeware) (if it still exists) and v1.7.2 just in case...

Hope I've helped..

See ya!
Originally posted by ChokingParasite

yeah that works allright, dalnet and efnet has got some decent metal-mp3 channels. but since most guys serving the files are located it the us, the download speed can be at bit depressing for us europeans, and since it's most americans it can sometimes be hard to find e.g. a bit more rare swedish metal.
but it works ok.
God damn! That is one bad ass avatar, Morkar!!!!!!!!!!!!! You lucky ass! I want something like that for mine. One that moves... wonder how hard they are to make.

Anyways I just found out about Direct Connect. I use it for a "tool hub" and it works pretty good. I still hate bear share and kazaa. Fuck 128 mp3s.