where do you live?


Mar 14, 2006
Near Mountains
I'm wondering how is the place where you live... one reason cause vintersorg likes me is that point.

see the pics of chile, my country, my city (very near to my home, some of these)







another day I'll show you more of chile
i live in Costa Rica, in Central America (not south america). it usually has a nice weather and cool beaches and mountains all really close to each other, so you can be in the mountains and 45 mins later your at the beach. the place is nice but unfortunately, as al places, is getting a lil bit dangerous
bork, your pics are incredibly beautiful!
the 3rd, the 4th and the last one really shook my heart.

I myself live in Germany in a region called "Bergisches Land" and it really has nothing to do with Bavaria and what you might know from tv or something ;)
There are quite alot of people living here so I cannot offer you pics like those of borknagar, but I searched flickr and found some nice ones.


one of the reasons cause I love Vintersorg is when I hear vintersorg, inmediately I think in my home, the mountains, the rivers, the forests... I imagine Sweden most be a beatiful place... i love the cold clime, the rain, the dark clouds, the mist, the north wind (means "a storm is coming")..., etc.

here some pics!





Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon) (a little bit to north of chile)


I wanna see some pics where you live!
i went to chile once, i visited torres del paine national park, now thats a totally cronian-esque sight
FUCK, ALL THESE PLACES ARE GORGEOUS. New York City is cool and all, but jesus, I would really like to have nature like this around me also.
Chickamauga Battlefield. One of the most important battles of the American civil war.

Knoxville. home of that big ugly "sun sphere" and the 1970 world's fair.

railroad to some quarry in Knoxville

the smoky mountains

if I go mountain biking this weekend, i'll send some picks that the army doesn't want you to see hehehe. bomb testing facilities and such.
other than that, nothing but deciduous forest.
Man I didnt realise how beautiful chile was! I fully expected it to be like just beaches and stuff, I posted some pictures of where I am living for a year in my other topic (Israel) so I'll show you photos of where I am actually from and lived my whole life.

New Zealand.




I've bungy jumped before.



I'm from Copenhagen Denmark...and when i'm not busy defying the Prophet Muhammed..I listen To Vintersorg:kickass:
borknagar_ said:
I'm wondering how is the place where you live... one reason cause vintersorg likes me is that point.

see the pics of chile, my country, my city (very near to my home, some of these)

Yep, great places. The Andes zone is really beautiful. Personally, I think that Ushuaia is the most beautiful place in the world, but that's just me.


I'll try to find more pictures if you want, specially in winter.
Im from the country of Belize. Its located in central america just below Mexico. Just in case anyone is wondering, we are an english speaking country simply because we were once a colony of Britain. Pretty much the only country that has english as a first language in the entire south and central americas. Mostly tropical surroundings and rainforests. Second largest barrier reef in the world next to Australia of course.
are you really black? no offense meant at all of course, its just that youd be the first black person i know who likes metal.
perhaps closer to home, in fact just outside my front door,

here is one of my delphiniums, just beginning to open up

and here is the monkshood in my front yard, its flowers still months away, though this year it's already a huge plant. The "bush" you see below is actually about three feet tall and perhaps two feet wide. It's taken a liking to our yard for sure.

someday I'll learn how to concoct a potion from these plants. Also in my garden are foxgloves - the following is an example of a happy camper


which I've read are necessary in the mixing to counteract the acidic qualities of monkshood thus allowing the experience of the sabbat. oh, nevermind.

and since one cannot be blackmetal without including a wetland photo, here is the creek that runs alongside my home (we call it flicker creek, a flicker of course being a type of woodpecker -- the largest woodpecker that frequents our feeders):


here is a picture of my bleeding heart flower, looking mighty handsome

and this nest belongs to two crows and is located about four hundred feet up a six hundred feet tower (which is near downtown Seattle, not too far from my home)


at any rate, that is where I live. as above, so below.