where does charlie live?

chicagorocker said:
last i heard is that charlie is building a house in illinois? anyone know where?
Yeah, his house is almost finished. He'll finish moving after he gets back from Europe. I'm not sure what town but it's somewhere in the suburbs of Chicago.
After my girlfriend finishes college, she's going to go to graduate school. Hopefully, she'll be accepted to university of MD but if not, Chicago is an option.
Nuts to that...I wanna know where Alex Ross lives so I can...uh..."borrow" some of his statues/busts!!! :) The sad part is that when my fiancé and I move into our house next spring, we will have a room just like Alex has filled with all of our toys, statues, and swords.

Of course, Charlie probably got his hands on one of those Sideshow Collectables "Felled Beast" statues from LOTR. They don't ship until June and they're already pre-sold out. Some bastards on e-bay are already selling them for $400...what the fuck!!!

Sorry 'bout that. Anyhoo, Chuckie B said that the house is in the Elk Grove/Schaumberg area when he was interviewed on the Zone once. Of course, he could've been making it up to keep stalkers/toy stealers away.
Yeah, really.
Since when did America start throwing insults at the socially rejected wanna be somethings's, but have no friends, so we try to make friends with celebrities in our minds, kind of people.
remington69 said:
Sorry 'bout that. Anyhoo, Chuckie B said that the house is in the Elk Grove/Schaumberg area when he was interviewed on the Zone once. Of course, he could've been making it up to keep stalkers/toy stealers away.
I was in Bloomingdale a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know that I was maybe so close to a celeberty.
Why do any of you need to know where Charlie lives - he is contactable via e-mail and very approachable at gigs or if you see him around.

Perhaps you should all put your addresses on this site just for the hell of it????
i live in schaumburg so i was just curious as to where he'll be moving to. i'm not a stalker, but it's not everyday that a rockstar moves into your neck of the woods... :wave:
I'd stalk the lot of them if the moved to Glasgow! Stalkings only a greater sign of affection. Proving i love Anthrax more than the rest of you, and if i cant have them no one will !!!:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: