Where in Koln is the Meet and greet? anyone know? thanks.

Amon Amarth official facebook states:

the AMON AMARTH instore in Köln got cancelled. Please tell your friends! The ones in Hamburg and München are going to happen as scheduled!

Liebe Freunde, leider ist die Autogrammstunde im Saturn in Köln gecancelt worden. Die Show am Abend findet natürlich statt!
Amon Amarth official facebook states:

the AMON AMARTH instore in Köln got cancelled. Please tell your friends! The ones in Hamburg and München are going to happen as scheduled!

Liebe Freunde, leider ist die Autogrammstunde im Saturn in Köln gecancelt worden. Die Show am Abend findet natürlich statt!

Snort...Didn't know gecancelt was a word...and why ain't it gecancelt geworden? Just wondering cuz I'm a nerd...
Snort...Didn't know gecancelt was a word...and why ain't it gecancelt geworden? Just wondering cuz I'm a nerd...

It's quite a new word.

Hmm, ok without guarantee:

"gecancelt worden" - "worden" as the past tense (pres. perfect) form of "werden" as an auxiliary verb to describe an action (here canceln) in its passive form.

"werden" -> "geworden" in the past tense (pres. perfect) form describes a change of state/condition referring to an adjective, for example "Ich bin rot geworden"