Where in the World is Redshirt v2.0


Jul 30, 2002
Lost Angeles
Welcome to the second installment of Where in the World is Redshirt!!! This time it's a photobucket account so everyone can play :)

Puckfiend said:
Might wanna edit the title there, Sara..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yep I ain't no doctor but I am pretty damn sure "redshit" is a bad thing. :yuk: :puke: I don't want to be any where that you can get that.


Same prize as last time? As much nothing as we can carry right. :)
MiniMurray said:
Welcome to the second installment of Where in the World is Redshirt!!! This time it's a photobucket account so everyone can play :)

Hmmm:err: Doesn't he get to go anyplace warm?

He is in Minnesota?!... Seriously, it only looks like that here 5 months out of the year !@#@!!??.... This Redshirt dude is sure a character. He actually takes trips to cold places??.. Doesn't he have it backyards?
Actually it was the Uhuru peak that gave it away.

I was thinking the north pole but that is all ice and no rocks.

wow you got both of em jim - and bonus points for misspelling your name - hahhahahahahhahhh!
k we'll stump you next time huh redshirt!! awesome pic btw - what an amazing experience that must have been :)
Well you started the mispelling thing in this thread Sara. :lol: :lol:

The new bunch of nothing looks real good next to the last bunch of nothing. :lol:


So RS what took you to Africa? Got more shots from the peak?
spideyjg said:
...So RS what took you to Africa? Got more shots from the peak?

Long story short, my brother in the military was deployed near there, said lets do a safari. I went out for that and climbed Kilimanjaro too. I wanted to get a pic riding an elephant while wearing the Red Shirt, but no luck. That would have been a kicker. I do have other pics, lemme dig em up.
MiniMurray said:
...k we'll stump you next time huh redshirt!! awesome pic btw - what an amazing experience that must have been :)

You're right, smart crowd, tough to stump! Next time!!!

Yea, it was a pretty cool experience...never have been that high (that 5895M = 19340ft). You really go through all climate zones, starting from desert, to tropical, above tree line of just few plants, to lunar landscape to snow & ice. Kinda kool.