Where is everybody???

Were many people even on here before we started chatting it up? I'm guessing people tend to think Powerfest is no more...even though it seems it is trying to be revived.

before the last Powerfest this forum was hopping always. Way more than the ProgPower forum. It was wayyyy more relaxed and lots of great fights / debates. There was lots of peope on here. Lots of regulars and lots of people who would lurk but post once in a while. start spreading the word.
before the last Powerfest this forum was hopping always. Way more than the ProgPower forum. It was wayyyy more relaxed and lots of great fights / debates. There was lots of peope on here. Lots of regulars and lots of people who would lurk but post once in a while. start spreading the word.

Did you actually read what I said? I'm sure when Powerfest was going on it did have quite a lot of conversation. What I meant is before you guys got unbanned and I joined in, at that moment, if there was much debate? I'm guessing not.
Did you actually read what I said? I'm sure when Powerfest was going on it did have quite a lot of conversation. What I meant is before you guys got unbanned and I joined in, at that moment, if there was much debate? I'm guessing not.

I amjust busting your balls....the forum has been pretty quiet for a while now. I think once there was no Powerfest last year people just got lazy with posting here.
Yeah, it is a shame, as this was THE forum for the Chicago scene, aside from discussion of the festival itself.

Well, hopefully folks will start migrating back here if they do lurk and see more current threads and what not.