Where is everyone?

I think you hit the nail on the head, it's the calm before the storm, and what a storm it will be. Talked to some people this weekend and this is the way it always goes, calm for a few weeks then holy shit hits the fan.

And what have i been doing???? Well number 1 on my list has been getting ready for my oldest daughter's (Angyl aged 31) wedding on May 4th. And getting my mother in an assisted living community in Macon Ga. Getting ready for my wife's graduation (Master's In CLS) on May 12th. Getting all the little last minute things ready for MADFEST, like radio broadcasts from MADFEST for both days, and getting posters mailed out(haven't been to lucky on that, other things always get in the way like work).

But in a week or so things will start kicking into high gear again, especially....... oh well gotta wait on that one.
Well we've been holed up in our practice studio, writing some new songs, but we have been telling everyone about the festival. AND we got a little free advertisement for it in the Edge Magazine (distributed all over austin and san antonio): http://www.theedgemagazine.com/Pages/45.pdf

Are you working on a new version of "Bubba goes Hang-gliding" that would be a hoot if you played that song.:worship: :worship: :worship: :Smokin: :Smokin:
John nailed it on the head - Life has been hectic! And yes, I do believe it's the calm before the storm! Many more people will be coming here when the website launches and as the date approaches!

We may be quiet right now, but we're just busy taking care of little details, and not much announcements to make. You don't want to know everytime I take down a name for someone traveling from Canada, or everytime John has to give me a report of the zillion phone calls he's made. .... or maybe you do!! :loco:

We're working hard behind the scenes like Oompa Loompas. Just wait until we bust out into song! :p

ummm, I've been a bit distracted as of late. :oops:


I've also been juggling, managing, and promoting several local bands and shows, as well as trying to get a national show here in ATL. whew - it's enough to drive you insane :zombie:
I've been doing stuff with my band getting ready for the semi-finals of this international battle of the bands we're a part of. Also been going crazy trying to finish our newest song, which is quite possibly our best yet. Very Power Metalish as opposed to our normal thrash bit we throw at everyone. Then of course I got a damn near full time work schedule and full time school ours. I can't wait until MadFest though!

w00t! :headbang:

ummm, I've been a bit distracted as of late. :oops:


I've also been juggling, managing, and promoting several local bands and shows, as well as trying to get a national show here in ATL. whew - it's enough to drive you insane :zombie:

Welcome to the club :Smokedev:

Hmm... Adam (Ripperjack) was beta testing that in February. He showed it to me when I visited - it looks incredible!! I cna't blame you for being distracted. I'm distracted, too.

I've been doing stuff with my band getting ready for the semi-finals of this international battle of the bands we're a part of. Also been going crazy trying to finish our newest song, which is quite possibly our best yet. Very Power Metalish as opposed to our normal thrash bit we throw at everyone. Then of course I got a damn near full time work schedule and full time school ours. I can't wait until MadFest though!

w00t! :headbang:

That's so awesome! Post the song here when you get it done! We'll rock out to it! Good luck with the competition!