Where to go in LA?


Feb 24, 2005

I'm going to be in Los Angeles in early June. Any idea where I should go? Places to eat, see bands, drink, movie locations, etc... I don't want to get too touristy, but I want to have a fun time.

The Rainbow Bar & Grill and also The Roxy next door. Venice beach is fun in the day but don't go out there at night. Rainbow has the rock stars, the hotties hang out on third floor(cost x-tra $ for guys to go up there) and if you are actually gay I was approached there as well. Partied(drank) with a porn star unfortunately it was a guy. Story of my life.
June - we may get June Gloom - overcast all day and in the mid 70s or it may be sunny and in the 80s

check Hollywood or Venice(never been) to some fun\weird stuff

If you are in the OC check the Galaxy and HOB for shows.

Long Beach(Shoreline Village) is cool I'm closer there than too OC or Hollywood or Downtown - to check Long Beach clubs check out the Press-Telegram Newspaper

One more thing get a car - LA is fucking huge from the Valley into the OC.

You might go to the Univerasal City Walk or to Magic Mountain to ride the Rollercoasters.

the Southbay is fun and you can also check out Huntington Beach too.
Thanks again everyone. I've had a look at lots of those places online and I'll be going to at least a thousand of them! :)

Bass Fellow - Like the porn star story. You don't get too many porn starts in Glasgow! (unless I'm hanging out in all the wrong places!). Also, I'm not actually gay. I just said that to wind-up the likes of Anthrax_Mosher...but shhhh, don't tell him. It's too funny to stop!

I keep hearing that I should get a car, but I don't drive. Maybe I just need to be smart about cabs. Are there lots of cabs in LA? There are bound to be...

If push comes to a shove, I could just stay in the hotel getting drunk and eating too much. With that in mind, perhaps I should stay at the Chateau Marmont!!

Dude - some places have cabs near them like Airports, Hotels etc. but you usually have to call and wait for them and have plenty of cash just to get cabs, especially for the long drives. There are some train lines like the blue, red and green lines too but you still will need cabs. Fuck the buses because it will take you too long to get to most places.
I stayed @ a hotel around Hollywood Blvd. and Rodeo Dr. You could walk to a lot of places from their as far as everything around there has been in the movies: The China, Egyptian III theatre, museum of wax, Scientology building, lots and lots of freaky people (the Walk of Stars), huge fuckin' cockroaches, Capitol records, Glen Glen Sound, Personally I saw an L.A Laker(NBA) and met Ron Perlman(Hellboy) when doing a shoot for Beauty and the Beast, take cabs down Sunset and Melrose(bars). I found rides back to my hotel. I really wish I would have taken a Universal Tour, but silly me was trying to get a job in the music industry( handing out resumes to recording studios all day).