Where's the new album?


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
.... well my faithful katagorians, It is with great regret that I must report the new album release has been dealyed. :yell:

For those that have been contacting me on why there have been no options for pre-orders from the label or other vendors and been left in the dark the last week or so because I haven't relpied, heres the scoop:

It was slatted to be out August 26th, and as our luck would have it... it is not going to make it. And to add insult to injury, it will not be available in time for the Progpower festival as well. :cry:

There are a few unforseen factors that have caused the delay, and all I can tell you now is that it has been dealyed for the greater good, but I assure you it WILL be coming out in the next month. These things happen and cannot be avoided sometimes, but it's all in the attempts to deliver a great album to all of you who have supported us and have been patently waiting for it to be released. :Spin: :cool:

I have been in contact with label all last week, and we will hopefully have an answer soon on when the new release date will be. Once it's confrimed, it will be posted here and on the website.

OmDave said:

Any news or a date yet for the new CD?

Thanks for checkin' in Dave!
But Unfortuantly, No.....

The album is pretty much complete outside of a few minor delays and the album is in the hands of the lable, were still waiting for the green light from them. I was told recently by Deron at Metal Ages that it's not to far away now before we can make an offical announcement.... were hopeing to have it out BEFORE or BY the end of October at the latest, but no actual date has been confirmed as of yet. :Spin:

I can say this much, both Katagory V and Metal Ages Records are going crazy with anticipation and are wanting to get this album out ASAP... persoanlly, I can't wait... I think most people who have the first album are going to be pleasently suprised with this one. :tickled:
