Which band do you think will rule Heathen Crusade?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
OK from the following, guess which band will:

(a) rule the festival
(b) suck the most
(c) be the surprise hit of the night

- Dumah
- Autumn Eternal
- Enshrined
- Typhus
- Todesbonden
- Novembers Doom
- The Chasm
- Moonsorrow
- Thyrfing
- Primordial

Not sure if Keen of the Crow are playing. They're listed on one poster and not the other. Neither are they listed on the "bands" page.

Anyway, thought this thread might be interesting whether you're going or not! :p

(For the record, I've not heard anything from those first five bands listed).
a) rule the festival = Thyrfing, and yep, I'm biased
b) suck the most = November's Doom = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
c) surprise the most = Moonsorrow, simply b/c it'll be surprising that they can actually recreate their studio stuff live and do it well

None of it will compare to how drunk & entertaining markgugs* will be

* that's me, btw
rule the fest - PRIMORDIAL !!!!
suck the most - TYPHUS (simply because they look like a blastbeat only kinda band...)
surprise hit - TYPHUS (...because I will be proven wrong and discover that they sound like an epic atmospheric pagan metal band that will stomp our heathen hearts and buy us all a round of icy mead and rack of lamb)
I think Thyrfing has a great chance at ruling the festival because they are the first of the 3 main headliners, and their songs aren't as epic and long as Moonsorrow's and not as introspective as Primordial's. Plus, they're awesome on stage and if their show is anything like it was at Wacken, it's going to be a drunken masterpiece of a headbanging set. They'll have the crowd in the palm of their hand.

Primordial could be in for a bit of a "Metallica" effect after Thyrfing from the general audience. Not from me though, I think they're the perfect band to bridge the gap between Thyrfing and Moonsorrow.

I'll probably go with one of the unknown bands for the "suck the most" honors, if nothing else because I won't know any studio material from them, so I guess it would boil down to whoever has the worst stage presence.

Most surprising - I'm going to go with the Chasm just on a hunch, though I'm very, very interested in checking out most of the bands on the list as I've never heard about 5 or 6 of them. Though I think Mark makes a great point about Moonsorrow being able to pull off the studio versions of their songs live. I'm hoping Moonsorrow uses only minimal sound bites and strips it down and comes out and just rocks the house live.

Man oh man I just can't wait!!
Mark - have you heard the last Chasm album yet? Man, if you liked the last Dismember album, you'd probably like this one too. Lots of Maiden'isms in the death metal, not blasting all the way but some real creativity/thought put into it.

For that reason, I agree with Jason in that The Chasm could be mindblowing live. As long as they play their newer material, I think we'll be in for a treat.
(a) rule the festival - Primordial... I didn't realize this was even debatable.
(b) suck the most - well, it better be one of the bands I don't give a shit about.
(c) be the surprise hit of the night - Other then November's Doom, Promordial, and to a lesser extant Moonsorrow, I'm not terribly familiar with the bands at fest. So the biggest surprise is that I'm going.

By the way, I just bought the Todesbonden from The End. It was under $10 and I was drunk.

markgugs said:
b) suck the most = November's Doom = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I dig these guys. After Primordial, it's their set I'm looking forward to most.

Just curious, have you seen them live or are you just assuming they'll be boring because you find their studio work boring?

markgugs said:
I've only heard 1 Chasm album (Deathcult) and loved it, I'm really looking forward to them.

That album *pales* by comparison, but then again, I can't f'ing stand it. I don't think I've ever made it through from beginning to end in one session. :tickled: Their last one, however....

markgugs said:
I find everything I've ever heard by them (3 albums now) boring as a Desperate Housewives marathon.

The ironic part is that you were the one who got me into them!! To date, "The Knowing" is one of my fave doom albums....ugh, I wrote a whole review on it in the subforum together with their latest and the follow on discussion with the band probably went on for several pages.

I'm going to bump those threads just to re-read them myself.

P.S. Novembers Doom live are BRILLIANT.
JayKeeley said:
The ironic part is that you were the one who got me into them!! To date, "The Knowing" is one of my fave doom albums....ugh, I wrote a whole review on it in the subforum together with their latest and the follow on discussion with the band probably went on for several pages.
One of the coolest RC threads ever.

JayKeeley said:
P.S. Novembers Doom live are BRILLIANT.
Good to hear.

JayKeeley said:
Not sure if Keen of the Crow are playing. They're listed on one poster and not the other. Neither are they listed on the "bands" page.

They're definitely not playing - they were on the bill for a long time and cancelled due to personal reasons just a few weeks ago, too late to take them off the poster apparently. They were replaced by a band called Autumn Eternal out of Ohio. Sounded very raw and disjointed, mainly fast death metal with a few progressive elements thrown in to the mix. I wasn't a fan of the vocals, but it does sound like with some polishing there's potential there. Could be a suprise live.
markgugs said:
Oh I plan on giving ND a good chance live, I just don't expect to have my mind changed (much). I still have "To Welcome...", I should probably revisit it a bit.
Have you heard "The Pale Haunt Departure"? Though the CD is a bit uneven, the first five tracks are stellar. The keys, drums and riff that open the CD are pure Metal bliss.

General Zod said:
Have you heard "The Pale Haunt Departure"? Though the CD is a bit uneven, the first five tracks are stellar. The keys, drums and riff that open the CD are pure Metal bliss.


I have not. Is that the newest one?

edit: I have "Amid...," "Knowing" and "To Welcome..." btw.

And having seen November's Doom, they put on a killer show!

a) Primordial. 99% sure, their music's just plain better.
b) Moonsorrow? I don't see their atmosphere being conveyed into a live setting very well.
c) The Chasm? they're good. i dunno
markgugs said:
Oh I plan on giving ND a good chance live, I just don't expect to have my mind changed (much). I still have "To Welcome...", I should probably revisit it a bit.

dude, I went to Day of the Equinox expecting them to suck and got blown away. keep your mind open! also interesting to note: it's cool to see such a portly individual fronting a band! not something you see every day!