for anyone who missed
Zephaniah tonight - shame on you.
now, this is certainly not to slight any of the other bands on the bill.

But it had to be said.
Matt Parsons did a fantastic job debuting his band
Alas, Tyranny. They had a great reception with their technical prowess and 'beauty & beast' vocals. They also threw in a surprising cover of 'Valhalla' by Blind Guardian. *applause* I look very forward to working with this band again... and again. Very professional for such a young outfit.
Oblivion Myth never ceases to amaze me. They somehow get better and better each time I present them to the Atlanta audience. And even though they were without a rhythm guitarist last night, you could not tell with the energy they put forth. Great job guys!
Eternal Hour - now lacking a full time bassist - still did a fantastic job. Their singer was a bit under the weather, but they pulled through to deliver a 40-minute set of powerful traditional metal with their twin-guitar assault! Thanks to Rob of VOR for stepping in on short notice to fulfill the bass duties! Awesome job by all!
And then
Zephaniah took the stage by force and
demanded everyone's undivided attention with their crazy antics and amazing style of neo-classical traditional metal. If you missed,
you fucking missed it! At one point half way through their set I somehow found myself ON STAGE with them and another dozen or more fans, headbanging and throwing horns (and for those with enough hair, windmilling). I can't wait to see the pics and video of that! LMAO! What a fun band.
Shane and Glenn - take note of these guys. I could easily see them kicking off Thursday or Friday night at a future ProgPower. You want an audience to be
Get Zephaniah! I know I
will be working with them again.
And that ended night one of the Pathfinder MetalFest. Unfortunately due to transportation issues, RAVAGE could not make it back down to headline last night. And no insults meant, but I believe everyone would agree that Zephaniah would be a hard act for just about anyone to follow.

So I think many would agree that we ended up with a fantastic headliner after all.