Which dead rocker do you miss the most?


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Got to thinking this while listening to some old AC/DC -- although I hadn't heard them when Bon was in the band (didn't hear them until 1980, actually), he's a part of Aussie music culture. So, I choose Bon Scott.

I'll go with Cliff as well, although I'm not sure he would have stayed in Metallica if he had lived. He somehow seemed to have a different approach to music than the rest. I guess we'll never know.
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I'll go with Cliff as well, although I'm not sure he would have stayed in Metallica if he had lived. He somehow seemed to have a different approach to music than the rest. I guess we'll never know.
I'm actually pretty sure we'll never know... :D.
If I can choose someone outside of rock it would probably be Marvin Gaye! Without a doubt the best singer to ever walk the earth if you ask me! But then again, his last record "Midnight love" was crappy. It was 1982 (he got shot by his dad in 1984) and you clearly hear that the 80's also had made an impact on him. Too bad, as the previous record he did, "In our lifetime" in 1981, was a great record! If he had lived on his record may have been crap like "Midnight love". No one can tell, but I think they would, as all music that was cool in the 70's turned to crap in the 80's!
Another choice is Minnie Riperton. She was without a doubt the best female singer to walk the face of the earth if you ask me. She died of breastcancer in 1979. I have the last record she released while she was alive (a record was also released after she died) and you could hear that her music started going downhill as well, so without sounding morbid or sick, it may not have been such a great loss that she "stopped" making music then. If she had released records in the 80's I think they would have been crappy as well! If she was still living today I had the opportunity of seeing her live which I think I would have enjoyed. I could of course also just stay away from the records she would have made in the 70's and just keep listening to her 70's stuff!
Chuck Schuldiner for sure. Layne Staley is also missed, but I don't know if he would have ever straightened up his act. We probably wouldn't have seen anything from him again anyway.
Originally posted by sigilofbaphomet
Chuck Schludiner....R.I.P
Layne Staley...

same here, especially Layne. one of my favorite vocalists ever :(

and FailingAcension, this may sound stupid, but who's Grim??