Which enemy of the x-ian church are you?

neal said:
no no no. you're not an atheist, you're a JEW. you killed their savior. thats why you're the enemy. havent you seen The Passion?
That was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. Amos & I saw it with a bunch of friends, and we were like the Mystery Sciene Theater 3000 robots through the whole thing. Then we saw Troy a few monthes later, and decided that what we felt after seeing that movie was what everyone else in the world felt after The Passion. Meaning, of course, that Brad Pitt is Jesus :D

The first time I took that test, I got Scientist. Took it again and got Heretic. I took it again and (deliberatly) got Christian, which was the result I was going to post here. But thanks to the meddling of my diseased computer, my elaborate plan to fuck with the minds of the masses was foiled.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
That was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. Amos & I saw it with a bunch of friends, and we were like the Mystery Sciene Theater 3000 robots through the whole thing. Then we saw Troy a few monthes later, and decided that what we felt after seeing that movie was what everyone else in the world felt after The Passion. Meaning, of course, that Brad Pitt is Jesus :D

The first time I took that test, I got Scientist. Took it again and got Heretic. I took it again and (deliberatly) got Christian, which was the result I was going to post here. But thanks to the meddling of my diseased computer, my elaborate plan to fuck with the minds of the masses was foiled.
you got punk'd!