Which marshall tube amp should I get.


Oct 4, 2005
Hey all. Im trying to get a different Guitar sound. I have emg 81+85 pu's. dod death metal pedal. I play through a fender 50 watt split to a 100 w laney bass amp but it's not quite the sound Im looking for. Other posts mention Marshall tube amps. Specifically what amp is good for death metal that is not thousands of dollars?, Marshall has several dozen types and Im no electrical engineer so alot of the technical jargon makes no sence to me. :loco:
Thanks for any info
To be honest, I wouldn't recommend a marshall. Not unless you can get an older one of exactly the right model. They've always been fairly hit and miss.
Jinn said:
Step one: Buy an axe.

Step two: Sharpen it.

Step three: put it through your DOD Death Metal pedal.


Haha yeah I read a description of what that is supposed to sound like before. Said something about how you can get the sound of great death metal bands like Slipknot and Korn from it! :err:

The Digitech Death Metal pedal on the other hand isnt terrible, though its low end doest come through the best.
Jinn said:
Step one: Buy an axe.

Step two: Sharpen it.

Step three: put it through your DOD Death Metal pedal.


Oh please... don't act like your sound is any better mr. metalzone straight to disc.
Death's Acre said:
Oh please... don't act like your sound is any better mr. metalzone straight to disc.

Um, dude, I have a bit of a suprise for you.

I don't use a metalzone!

My pedal lineup is as follows:

Lead Tone: Digitech Grunge.

Backing Tone: Digitech Death Metal

Lead tone on Raven Dawn: Boss Heavy Metal + some tweaking.

And if you don't agree with my opinion on the DOD Death Metal pedal, read a review of it, or just go waste your own money on one.

If I had the money to buy a decent amp and mic it, I would. But until then, I'll record my shit in the best way I can :)
Really? I could have SWORN you posted at the old musicians guild before we moved it and when I said the guitars sounded like shit(or something to that effect but probably in a nice way) you said it was a metalzone. In any case, I don't think it matters much what pedal you're using if there's no amp. It's gonna sound pretty bad either way.

And for the record, I own a deathmetal pedal and hate it with a passion. I'm just sayin- don't act all high and mighty when your own sound doesn't even have an amp in the chain.
Death's Acre said:
Really? I could have SWORN you posted at the old musicians guild before we moved it and when I said the guitars sounded like shit(or something to that effect but probably in a nice way) you said it was a metalzone. In any case, I don't think it matters much what pedal you're using if there's no amp. It's gonna sound pretty bad either way.

And for the record, I own a deathmetal pedal and hate it with a passion. I'm just sayin- don't act all high and mighty when your own sound doesn't even have an amp in the chain.

He really wasnt trying to sound high and mightly at all...just was saying that that pedal sucks...which it does. End of discussion.

(What happened to our Now Playing thing? I already miss it!)
Aye. I've demoed the DOD Death Metal and I wanted to trash that thing right there in the store on the grounds that it raped my guitar.

I will admit that my setup is shit,[and that the Digitech DM pedal isn't my favorite pedal] but I can't afford an amp + amp mic right now. However, my main goal right now is to write the material for the demo/first album, submit it to record companies and local shops, get sponsored by a local shop [which is basically a done deal... They told me to get a proper demo together and they'll sponsor us] and most importantly: find a drummer!

Once I get that shit organized, I'll get some cash to:

1. buy a better bass [I'm our live bassist.]
2. Buy a better guitar amp.
3. Buy a better guitar [I have my eye on the Iommi lefty model].

I used to have a metalzone but my lead guitarist borrowed [read: stole] it some time ago and I haven't seen it in a year. Plus, I like my Heavy Metal pedal a lot more... it gives me an old school Death Metal tone and is suprisingly good for playing Black Sabbath!
Yeah Im not so thrilled with the death metal pedal but its a cheep solution for now untill I can afford something real. maybe an 80" ampeg ss or vh. hey phlegenthonveins where in WI are you from? Fox valley area? There was a pretty big death metal sceen here in the early 90's. Blue jay bowl era? Experiment fear? sound familiar at all?
yea dm pedal does kinda suck,(looks sheepish) i got one a while a go. I think i might actually give it to a homeless guy so he can use to keep all his tramp magic safe from the evil hari krishnas that try to entice him with their crazy dancing and rhythmic wonder.....
Salvatore said:
Yeah Im not so thrilled with the death metal pedal but its a cheep solution for now untill I can afford something real. maybe an 80" ampeg ss or vh. hey phlegenthonveins where in WI are you from? Fox valley area? There was a pretty big death metal sceen here in the early 90's. Blue jay bowl era? Experiment fear? sound familiar at all?

I live in New Richmond. Thats up near the Minnesota Twin Cities border, if you didnt know. I have know clue where Fox Valley is.