Which mastering do you prefer?


Nov 23, 2007

I've gotten back the mixes I've send out for mastering today, but I was not satisfied, because the snare was way to dominant and I hoped the results were a little bit louder.

So I tried to fix those problems myself with some compression, automation and little, little bit EQ and here are the results.

Version 1 - the original mastering http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/8/3/1318589/TruthMP3.mp3

Version 2 - the fixed one http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/8/3/1318589/Truth Loudness Stillwell Au.mp3

I know that the original sounds more clear, but it's not usual anyway to have such an transparent sound nowadays. On the other hand file 2 isn't breathing anymore on some parts.

I'm not sure what I like more at the end... I could need some fresh ears
Thank you for your opinion, but I don't think that way. We're not in the 90s ... as a young and unknown band you can express yourself within the music itself, but all the formal parts of the business should be done the common way, if you want to be heard.