Which musician you like to see do a solo cd?

Marty Friedman did I thought? What about Cacophpony, that must have been pretty much a solo album? Didn't they call an album "Go Off!" Worst title ever ferfucksake.

Anyway, although I DESPISE Metallica nowadays, a solo album by Kirk Hammet might be excellent. Free of the shackles of "Jaymz" and "Larz" and Uncle Bob to ruin everything, maybe Kirk could come up with some sublime soloing like he did on "Justice"?
MetalHeadMarc said:
Marty friedman, He is the shizzle fo rizzle. All the home boys nod they dome to his tight beats my nigs.

Where the hell have you been? Marty Friedman has no less than five solo albums. He's on metal-archives, go check him out.
Cythraul said:
I was just about to post the same exact thing. :tickled:

Great minds thi... A great mind and a varg+garm-sexing pseudo esoteric-hater think alike!

But really, I was this <----> far from posting something very, very nasty about that bombshell Alexi Laiho, as opposed to the Varg thing.

Ok, well, I know marty has down solo stuff, but I want another album. The question was what musician would I like to see put out a solo cd, not who do you want to do one who hasn't. Goddamn niggas.