Which of the Iron Maidens are you most like? (survey betatest)

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
OK, I decided I needed to learn this personality quiz thingie, so I wrote a script.

Which of The Iron Maidens are you most like?

The gals haven't had a chance to even see this yet (and are now on tour), so the results are based on what I could find out about them...

After you get a result, you can just hit your 'back' key to play around with the responses a bit, should you be so inclined!

Any input on this is greatly appreciated!
Toast, this sounds kooky as shit. How do you think some of this stuff up?!
But what the hell, I'll give it a spin...

...um, okay. Maybe I won't. I just keep getting a blank page.:err:

You are most like:
Sara "MiniMurray" Marsh


I wonder if when they take it will they be them????:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think they are taking a laptop with them so they will get to see it.
Great job !!!
Hmm...I am most like Wanda.

Personally, I would like to see more choices and the ability to pick multiple answers. Some of the questions, for me, have more than one answer. Very fun, nonetheless. :)
Glad you liked it!!!

I too would like to see the option to choose multiple answers, and maybe the ability to make one answer worth more than another (i.e. 2 points for a primary choice and 1 point for a secondary choice), but that's my first attempt at working with a javascript so I mostly just muddled through it.

Anyone with java skillz is free to tell me how to improve the script! I will do some checking on my own too.

BTW, the answers can give votes to more than one person (i.e. since several of the gals like science fiction, several of them received a vote if you chose that option).

I plan to do a 'which Betty Wrathchild are you most like' fairly soon too... seeing that is more tongue in cheek than my first attempt!
For those who tried this earlier and saw the nondescript white page, I figured out that a tag was missing and fixed the script. You should now be able to see the survey.

This seemed to affect Macs using IE (Mozilla worked fine, and IE on the PC here also had no issues), so let me know if you are now able to see the survey!

And Heiress... it would be nice to know if you come up with Heiress as your the maiden you are most like!
Originally posted by Mr Toast
And Heiress... it would be nice to know if you come up with Heiress as your the maiden you are most like!

I would laugh my ass off if she didn't! :lol:
Hey, it worked.

Yeah, more multiples might make it a bit more complex and amusing. However, good trial run.

Hell, it looks like this should be another poll in itself. Being that no one has hit up Linda yet, shall we say she is the most unique personality thus far?

I've been placed in the rank of Chickinson.
Leave it to me to try this, but I had to see which of the Maidens I was most NOT like. Just fill in every answer that is not appealing to you.

Try it. No matter who it ends up as, you'll just feel like a bad person when you get to the end result.

In my case, let's just say I ended up choking on my own words.:erk:
Originally posted by downure
Leave it to me to try this, but I had to see which of the Maidens I was most NOT like. Just fill in every answer that is not appealing to you.

Try it. No matter who it ends up as, you'll just feel like a bad person when you get to the end result.

In my case, let's just say I ended up choking on my own words.:erk:

This is simply an excercise in fun, which is what I'm always trying to achieve when adding this stuff to the forums.

Look at it this way: ALL of the Maidens are awesome, both onstage and off. You obviously have picked up on this fact, which means you have good taste in people!!!