Which one of you fuckers made me sick?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I know the flu has been going around on here lately, and thanks to somebody, now I've got it...all the way over here in Italy.

I sneezed so hard today that a loogie flew out of my mouth. :ill:

Oh, don't you all get up at once to bring me chicken noodle soup...only the HOT CHICKS on the board get the bedside manner, huh?

Can't say that I blame you.
All joking aside, it really does fascinate me how viruses and diseases can travel so fast in such a short amount of time.

In a way, it's kinda like 7 degrees of Influenza...all it takes is one person to get on an international flight with a cold and there you have it: worldwide outbreak. In all actuality, it may have been one of you...indirectly. Of course, the common cold/flu is easily combated, but it still makes you wonder.
Fuck you, I've been sick since I had to sleep outside in Amsterdam while it was cold and raining at night. Then 8 days ago I choked on a potato wedge and almost fucking died. My vision was going black and I was probably 20 seconds from passing out and dying. After that terrible event, my sickness went crazy, and I've been coughing hard as hell and having trouble breathing/swallowing food ever since.
Fuck you, I've been sick since I had to sleep outside in Amsterdam while it was cold and raining at night. Then 8 days ago I choked on a potato wedge and almost fucking died. My vision was going black and I was probably 20 seconds from passing out and dying. After that terrible event, my sickness went crazy, and I've been coughing hard as hell and having trouble breathing/swallowing food ever since.

Wow, choking on a potato wedge sounds like a really, REALLY bad way to die. Not in a "worse than flesh eating virus" way, but in a "you died HOW?" way.

And to everyone else on this board who is currently ill: I have not been ill once in the past 5 years or so. Not even a cold. If I could share my immune system with you I would, but unfortunately I can't, so, umm...... nevermind :cool:

Get well soon everyone.
Fuck you, I've been sick since I had to sleep outside in Amsterdam while it was cold and raining at night. Then 8 days ago I choked on a potato wedge and almost fucking died. My vision was going black and I was probably 20 seconds from passing out and dying. After that terrible event, my sickness went crazy, and I've been coughing hard as hell and having trouble breathing/swallowing food ever since.

I suddenly have this recollection of the choking episode of Beavis and Butthead.

"*CHOKE*...*GASP*...'this sucks...'" (changes the channel on the tv)

I suddenly have this recollection of the choking episode of Beavis and Butthead.

"*CHOKE*...*GASP*...'this sucks...'" (changes the channel on the tv)


Hehe, it was a little more intense than that, enough to bother my neighbors with puking sounds. The potato wedge was actually a large boiled slice with sharp edges and all. It really fucked me over. Always pay attention when eating!
Dude, all joking aside, you really gotta be careful and slow down when you eat!

I know what you mean by having a hard time eating because it hurts...that happened to me one time when I choked on something I was eating, I don't remember what it was.


Anyway, for a week or so after that, swallowing food was kinda painful actually. You've damaged the tissue in your throat and it's agitated every time you swallow food. Stick to ice cream, soups, mashed potatoes, etc. for a while and then it'll heal up in no time.

Be careful!!!
i was sick last week too, perhaps i am to blame. so wtf you gonna do about it, punk?

I'm gonna...I'm gonna...

I'm gonna cough back in your direction!!!!! Here....have some phlegm...



It's a tennis match for viruses.
I'm gonna...I'm gonna...

I'm gonna cough back in your direction!!!!! Here....have some phlegm...



It's a tennis match for viruses.
gah M[SIZE=-1]editerranean[/SIZE] germs!@ getting weaker....cant...fight...swarthiness...*dies*