Which one of yous NADS loves the shit out of J Frusciante?


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002
I had the pleasure of hearing some samples of Stadium Arcadium, and to make a long story short, it really is quote-unquote/travolta "back to the roots" for MAYBE HALF A FREAKIN SONG and then does a 180 back into whatever that crap is they do now.


the real star of the show seems to be dear johnny, and the album still may be worth getting for him alone.. and this brings me to the point of:

I've never heard this guy's solo stuff, and as far as I know he came out with ~10 solo albums last year or the year before or I don't even know what year it is now.

So, I start where?

Thanks in advance,

and that's the story of why Shelbyvillians drink lemonade.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Curtains and Inside of Emptiness are also quite good, and those are the only 3 I've heard. He's one of my favorite guitarists, I should really have more of his solo shit.

Oh yeah and By The Way sucked balls but I'm still planning on getting the new RHCP.

If you need an upload lemme know and stuff.

4th ninja edit!




Shit, I'm still not caught. 8th!

If I get to 42 the world as we know it shall end.


I'm getting bored now.


I'll have to see what Best Buy has tomorrow when I snag myself the new tool and rebuy aenima for 9.99 and whatever. The guy is an incredible guitarist, yeah.

pirate edit: Did you ever watch the show WAKE RATTLE AND ROLL?

It had a robot made out of vcr's that lived in a basement and they played some Hanna Barbara cartoons on the robot's stomach if i recall correctly.
his playing and backup singing add a total huge dimension to the overall Peppers sound.

but beware, some of his older solo stuff, like Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt, from the title on down, betray when he was just about the most nodding off junkie on the planet, and ~ it sounds like it. I bought this one a few years ago and it was totally unlistenable. Haven't heard any of the newer stuff tho.
By the Way is pretty fucking annoying eh?

besides that I've only ever really heard Californication and a few earlier tracks (Under the Bridge, etc)

saw them live once with Queens of the Stone Age and ... The Mars Volta who we missed. good show though!
I just felt the need to revive this thread to tell everyone they NEED to listen to Shadows Collide With People, the more I listen to it the more it proves itself, this must be the thousandth time and it seems to be clicking with me now more than ever. Listen! Now!
It definitely gets better every time I listen to it, and that is pretty frequent. Pretty amazing for an album that is pretty lengthy + has the best song first, a lot of times that spells short-term doom.