which PRE-TBW song would you like to hear with TBW vocals?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
The new vocals crush and i prefer them to the old style, but only by a little. both styles are great. but man, i would love to hear songs like Cloned Insanity and Kill the Idealist with the newer, deeper death vocals! :worship:

My favorite Kalmah song of all time: Hades.

But the new vocals wouldn't fit unless the second guitar harmony was back a few octaves, making the whole lower and thus more brutal. Now THAT would sound awesome. :)
i dont like the new kalmah vox but the pre tbw samples were great! they changed bitter metallic side for the worse unforuntately...makes me wish i still had the old samples that were up.
Dosent matter...I like both styles of growling :)

LoL imagine listening to the song TGOW with older vocals ^^
i like both styles are nice, but he thing is that they should use a little bit of the old one in TBW in some songs the use of more old-speedy vocal would be nice, but i like the newer ones too, so i think that Withering Away would be cool, Vezi Doroga, Cloned Insanity, Man With Mistery, well there´s more i could say but i´ll keep it to myself, by the way the newer vocals are easyer to sing, at least in my case
Vezi Doroga it´s from they´r Svieri Obraza cd, i think it´s the demo, it has Hades demo, The Hellfire that turn into The Blind Leader and Vezi Doroga, i hope that kalmah remaster this song, ´cuz it´s great i really like it it has a harpsishord intro, great guitar riffs and the classical voice
Someone give me Infernal Death, their demo, Hades (demo from the promo)!! Please! Someone be kind enough! Basically, just send me everything unreleased, demo, old demo, Ancestor archives, lol thanks!