which tolex for my 6505?


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I wanna re-tolex my 6505..
til now I prefer the Soldano-style snakeskin (grey/white/black) but I'm open for everything (cept orange, brown and green).

what do you think? which color should I choose?
How about forget about the fucking tolex & put some killer tubes in it? A bias mod, perhaps? Call me wierd, but I'm more worried about how an amp sounds as opposed to how it looks. While you're throwing your money away, could you please throw some my way?:heh: :heh: :heh: :heh:


I'd go with one of those.
It'll be the white but without the front-panel like on the red one...so just white with the rabbit-wire ;)

and when I'm feeling crazy i might even install some blue cold-light cathodes ....hell yeah! :)
It'll be the white but without the front-panel like on the red one...so just white with the rabbit-wire ;)

and when I'm feeling crazy i might even install some blue cold-light cathodes ....hell yeah! :)

Would installing more electronics/lights in it affect the sound/tone? you would be putting in a separate power source for the lights, right? <--thats why I ask

Cause that sounds like a cool idea... :kickass:
Hang on, I'm missing something, what does the white on have that the red doesnt?

Hang on, got it- you can see the red ones' guts...that red is actually quite tempting for my old JSX haha. White goes nice for the all black 5150, but it might be a bit too "un-metal" with the JSX's chrome haha.