while looking for abortion jokes online i came across


human plant/container.
Nov 3, 2002
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I resent these jokes, you cold-hearted felon. I had an abortion only last Tuesday. What are you going to do, shoot me in the back because I exercise my constitutional right to do as I please with MY body? Are you one of these Christian Coalition types? Well, let me tell you something, Mister. Times are a-changing. We aren't going to stand for this sort of thing anymore. I have had friends who have died in botched back-alley coat-hanger jobs. Six of them, in fact. I'll never forget their names. Lucy, Jennifer, Beatrice, Elsie, Doris, and Michelle. Now that names have been put on the table, your jokes don't seem so funny anymore, do they? These are human lives you're playing with, you Right Wing Lunatic. Do you wish it that yet more of my closest friends, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and neighbors should perish at the hands of some fraudulent butcher because of your backwater Bible-bred 'beliefs'? We're not gonna take it anymore. We'll fight, yeah, we're free. We'll fight, yeah, you'll see.