Vito Bratta is still in my top five guitarists of all-time.... I can't imagine listening to White Lion without him. I learned to like Tramp's vocals simply through repetition due to the fact that the first time I heard Vito I was absolutely floored, but I can't imagine myself buying a White Lion CD without Vito on guitar.
You would have to pay me a small fortune to play guitar for White Lion. They certainly had their heyday in the glam scene, but Vito was no dark horse among guitarists and guitar fans. I would be willing to bet at least 10% of their record sells after "Pride" were guitar fans wanting to hear Vito play. The guy was/is a freaking monster. I am one of those guys that has "moved on" with music and listens to modern bands as well as oldschool music, but I would be surprised if the day ever comes when there are guitarists that come along that push him out of my top ten.