Whitechapel meets BTBAM


Jun 15, 2010
This song is definitely for fans of Whitechapel and Between the Buried and Me.

Track 2 of the 3 song EP I have recorded.

What do you think? And let me know if it is too loud, if so how much too loud? I need to get the final master ready within the next couple of days

Thanks guys :)


(PS, how do I embed a Soundcloud file on this forum? The code Soundcloud supplies doesn't work on here)
You're either pushing the mix way too hard in the limiter for volume, or your 2bus compressor is really making everything pump. There is such thing as good pumping, but wow this is the most pumping I've ever heard. Lay back on the limiter.
What kind of work?
(I kinda dig the pumping)

No. Pumping is never good. This mix sounds like it could be really good but the pumping is destroying it. Sounds like the kick drum is causing the pumping. Lower that compression, you should only be using 2-3 db of gain reduction on your 2buss, 4 MAX. A low ratio and fast attack/fast release.
Even from laptop speakers, my computer just tried to kill me lol! Cool tune though :) And the clean bass sounds like it's clipping or something funky with the chords...