Whitesnake remasters


Umlauts ist Krieg
May 2, 2004
Has anyone here heard them, or own them? I am wondering if they are worth the $$ (Because they dont seem to be too cheap ANYWHERE). If for nothing else, the bonus tracks would be cool to have. Thanks :notworthy
I picked up an import set of Whitesnake and Slip of the Tongue. The albums are remastered with bonus tracks. I think I payed about $30 for it and it's great! It's called the Back to Black Collection. Love me some "Sailing Ships".
Hmm, that sounds like something different than I have seen. From what I have found thus far, there are three individual discs that EMI have remastered (Trouble, Lovehunter, Ready & Willing). Is what you have, a two disc set, or two albums on one disc?
And it looks 100% legit? Reason I ask is, I just got two 'snake discs off eBay, thinking they were a couple of the remasters (Each list 5 bonus tracks), but they couldn't be any more grey market if they tried. No record label markings, wrong photos with discs, all sorts of bad mistakes. I rarely use eBay for discs because of problems like this. Thanks
This was released overseas by Axekiller. It definitely looks legit. I've found it on cdnow before but can't as of recent. The Back to Black Collection is also listed on Vai's official website in the discography section.